
Ahaaa a hard question?

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ok i wonder if you guys can answer this

what age do losing your virginity does not make you a wh0r3

and what age does it make u a wh0r3

ps;you can say after marriage.....=] cant wait to see the

and my second question how can you make your hair grow faster

a proven way that actually works that wont cost me hundreds of dollars just like amby some shampoo or a formula???

and is there anyway i can stop nail biting ive tried everything even those nail polishes that taste so nasty when you put ur fingers in your mouth...i washed it off =[ what do i do????

plz answer all 3 if u can





  2. Being ready to have s*x and not being pressured it a good time to have s*x. Personally I would like to think 18 or marriage I think that lets you mature and realize if you are really ready. The thing that would make you a w***e is how many guys you sleep with. I am not sure on shampoos and stuff to make your hair grow faster but I have a trick and it works for me that I have notice. When you are shampooing your hair really work your fingers in hair and give your head a good massage this stimulates the follicles and makes them grow! Ok nail biting I know what ya mean I have tried and tried for years to stop biting then one day I just stopped. I got sick of looking at my fingers yea know what I mean. Granted I was in a stress-full situation the other day and I chewed them all off but they are growing back. I guess what I am trying to say is just be really ready to quit chewing on them and let yourself realize how much you hate doing it... Hope it helps

  3. Question 1:

    There is no real age to say that you are a w***e for having s*x. But when you have s*x with multiple partners and you think that it is except able, well that makes you a w***e.

    Question 2:

    You need a lot of vitamin E. However, (I have done this and it works) put your hair in braids and that helps as well. there are alot of hair styles that you can use that has braids.

    Question 3:

    Try chewing on a pen cap or a straw. In that way you take your mind off of your nails. In that way, you no longer bite your nails and when you do not have these objects, you will not resort to your nails.  

  4. can't help u with that...

    can't help.

    try rubbing alchool on it so u won't bite them orrr get a nice mani so if u bite them ull feel bad and won't do it evr again

    worekd fer me.

    GASP I'm scared PLEASEEEEEEEEE help!!

  5. the first question i dont believe having s*x at a certain age makes you a w***e - the definition of a w***e is a prostitute so really depends on how old you are when you charge someone for s*x

    in my hubbies family they all have super long hair and they say their trick is to only wash their hair once per week - i only wash my girls hairs twice a week and they have long hair as well something about the natural oils being healthy for the hair

    where gloves so you dont bite your nails  

  6. 1- just because people call u a w***e doesn't mean you are one. There isn't a specific age where if you have s*x, you become a w***e. But people become whores when they have s*x young because they take it for-granted. But I would wait till marriage

    #2- you don't have to buy anything to make your hair longer. Just massage your scalp because that causes the blood to rise and makes your hair grow.

    #3- Go get a manicure. Then ur nails will be too pretty to chew off. I know it is funny but I think it could work. Especially since they put stuff on your nails that taste vile. Or they are supposed to.

  7. LMAO what a variety, I like this one. First of ll the age doesnt make you a w***e its the way you present and do it. Dont s***w other peoples boyfriends, Dont lose your own self worth and esteem by doing the first guy that comes along. Believe me there will be plenty of takers. Think it through, if you have to ask this question, you may not be ready to give that up yet and that is something to cherish and be proud of. A w***e to me is the girl that called herself my friend while s******g my boyfriend behind my back for a long time. Or the girl that sits happily with her husband at home while doin half the county on "girls" night out. you know what I mean?? s*x can be a wonderful thing if you respect it and yoursef.

    number 2, at the vitamin shop there are vitamins called hair nail and skin, its vitamin shop brand and they work wonders for me. I cut 11 inches off my hair and donated it to locks of love and less than a year later it was back to ots original length. keep it trimmed every 12 weeks or so go in and just get a nice healthy trim, if your hair is fighting bad ends it will grow half as quickly. other than that, prenatal vitamins are great and are ok to take if your not pregnent too lol.

    the nails!! good lord i bit my nails and still struggle with it since I was nine! my best relief was to carry clippers and file with me. that way if you get a snag your teeth arent the only weapon you have to rip it off. taking those vitamins and keeping them filed and maybe polish them with a good clear coat keeps you leaving them alone long enough that they may have a chance to grow. if you feel the urge to do it, just remember how much you hate it when your done, and think of all the bacteria and nasty junk you could be putting in your mouth!! not like you wash your hands everytime you want to bite your nails right?? then go run for the file. good luck!

  8. I do not think girls should be having s*x, but I would not call them a w***e, only if they were sleeping around.

    Vitamin E is a great vitamin that makes your hair and nails grow quicker.

    There is a nail polish that does not wipe off unless you use nail polish remover and it is nasty. I used it on my son who was a late age thumb sucker. It is called "Stop It" I believe it is by hoof but I am not sure. It is in a green package and red letters. I promise it will work.

  9. no age can make you not a w***e or a w***e. of course you are considered one when you lose it at like 13 14 or even 15 mostly like 16 is fine but only if its with someone you love and trust

    about the hair, get it trimmed like every week that makes it grow faster and keeps it healthy.

    for the nails. go to a nail salon and get tips put on so you cant bite your real nails

    hope this helped =]

  10. no age for having s*x makes you a w***e

    your a w***e if you go around with next to nothing on and looking for s*x

    as for the other 2 im sorry but i really can't help you

  11. 1. I wouldn't say a person is a w***e for having s*x at any certain age. I would say a person is a w***e if they were whoring around though. I say save it for marriage.

    2. You can't make your hair grow faster. Hair comes from the same place that your nails come from. Dead cells. A cell (any cell) dies in your body, where does it go? it becomes nails and hair. So If you can find a way to kill more cells in your body without lobbing off a limb or something, then I would htink you have your answer.

    3. Nail biting eh? I heard the old vinegar/hot pepper/lemon recipe, but that didn't work for me either. I say, drench your finger tips in lysol, or maybe something less corrosive, but something you seriously don't want to eat. Or you could get a ridiculously expensive manicure so you dont want to reck it cause you'd just be wasting your money. Or you could read up on how nails that are accidentally swallowed can rip your esophogus and other organs.  

  12. Im my opinion....and I do mean "MY OPINION"

    your a w***e if your 14 and under doing the dirty.

    15 and up is acceptable.

    Use good hair products like nexxus or biolage. Never brush wet hair. Try to stay away from heating tools. But if you cant, then use tools that are good quality or ceramic, like CHI flat irons and blow dryers. Massage your scalp a lot. Drink lots of water. 6-8 weeks trim your ends to get rid of spilt ends.Deep condition once a week.

    Not sure what will help your nail bitting. But I can tell you what helped me. I started getting my nails done at the salon with acrylic or gel. Out of sight out of mind.  
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