
Ahh, someone please help, i'm freaking ouuuuutt!?

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okay, so i live in chicago, and they're predicting hugenormus, beheemoth, gigagantic thunderstorms this evening [okay i may have over exaggerated a little bit, but thats how scary they are to me!]. so i'm realy scared, and they're predicting tornados, and i'm really scared. will the storms really have a huge impact? how can i get over my fear?




  1. Hi Friend,

    Take some comfort in the fact that everyone in Chicago is in the same boat.

    The tornado watch is in my area too.

    Know exactly where you are on the radar map ( has radar and you can put it in motion too) and then keep your eye close to the radar images and to see exactly where the worst parts of the storms are going.

    Plan a place to be when the weather gets terrible. Away from windows. Basement if possible. Under a heavy strong desk or something that can catch the weight if things start falling from above. I have really big heavy speakers in my finished basement. I can duck down between them and I feel somewhat more secure. Collect your treasured belongings too if you have extra time. Notify others that you love if they are in the path too. Try not to worry there friend! Pray too. :)

  2. They say this ALL the time, just to make sure you take precautions just incase a thunderstorm might produce a tornado. Just watch the weather channel and relaaaaax.

  3. The best way to get over your fear is to be prepared.  I live in Indiana and I hate this weather too.  Coming from NJ four years ago I never experience anything like we have here in terms of thunderstorms and tornadoes.  We have had severe weather 4 of the last 5 days, and of course as you know more is coming tonight.  Were you born in Chicago?  I think native midwesterners take these things in stride.  Rest assured it is normal to be nervous about the weather. Just keep your tv on a local channel, or a radio on so you can be warned. More people die by flooding then by lightening or tornadoes actually, so your individual risk is quite low.  This is the price to pay for summer weather!

  4. Open a bottle of wine and chill out

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