My hubby is out of town on business and ALL of my kids have woken up, it's about midnight here. I swear, it was a chain reaction, one wakes up, then the next. They are chasing each other around the house, hitting, and screaming. HELP!!?? I've tried everything. My 8 year old just broke a hole in one of our doors when I put him in his room. My 6 year old has corralled most of the kids into the backyard now. And my 8 month old twins are crying! AHH!! I am stressed beyond comprehension. Please help me. I'm at wits' end. My kids are usually fairly well behaved and I'm not sure what got into them. And no sugar earlier in the evening either. I know, I know, I should be up dealing with it instead of being on here, but I didn't really know what else to do. HELP!!!???