
Ahh how can i get this kid to stop messaging me?!?

by  |  earlier

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i don't even really know him. he went to my school last year, but we never talked or anything.

so he messaged me, i replied, and now he won't shut up! if i don't reply, he'll send another message. it's been going on for like 3 days! i even tried giving the really short replies, which usually works...but he just won't stop.

anything else i can do to tell this kid that i don't wanna talk to him, without hurting his feelings?




  1. Reply and kindly ask him to stop messaging you. If he refuses then you can: If this a Y! Answers messaging, then block him. If it's text messaging, which I assume it is, then contact your phone service and find out how to block texts from certain numbers. Or just find the FAQs on their site.

  2. Geez, looks like this kid got a crush on you.  To avoid this situation, tell him politely to respect your privacy and your space.

  3. pay him a visit, and beat the living sh*t out of him haha

  4. If you don't want the hassle of changing your ID, I'd say just ignore him.  Good luck. : )

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