
Ahmadinejad Arrives in NYC. Well New York are you ready to show him how you feel?

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I hope you give him a silent wall of New York stare down and he goes nowhere.In fact I think you should all take a walk before he's due at the UN and Columbia so he can't leave his hotel except to go back to the airport.

I hope you make him feel about as welcome as a rattle snake in a wedding cake!,2933,297738,00.html




  1. I've noticed that sometimes when you hand someone a piece of paper and tell them they are educated, they can become difficult to cope with.

    I believe Columbia University is a fine example of people who have become educated beyond the personal safety of themselves as well as others.

    I predict some people will learn the hard way.

  2. So much for American hospitality.

    Oh, wait!

    That's right: YOU PEOPLE THINK IRAN DID 9/11 NOW.

    My bad!

  3. Why bother with him? The only thing he wants is attention, and you are giving it to him. Iran is not a threat, and never will be. The only people he is a threat to are the execs at BP.

    We can deal with the Soviets, armed with 40,000 nuclear weapons...yet we are getting nervous when a third world dictator spouts out BS? America needs to get a grip.

  4. He was positively Identified by U.S. Intelligence, and former captives as one of the gun toting thugs, that held automatic weapon's to the heads of the American Hostages in Iran in 1979 Iranian Hostage crisis, how much respect does this knuckle head expect ? The "U.N" is "USELESS" it's a giant nest of spies, and diplomat's brother in-law's who want to "Party" in NYC. The U.N is a JOKE !

  5. Give him his due? What due? The only thing due that Rug pilot is a meeting with his 72 virgins wearing habits and packing hardware. Do you really think he'll say anything at the U.N. that doesn't attempt to advance his agenda at our expense? According to the "religion of peace" it is perfectly acceptable and expected that he lie to the infidels in order to subjugate them. I say we arrest him on arrival and give him a nice dirt nap in an unmarked and unkown location.

  6. How is it that we benefit from plugging our ears and refusing to allow someone to speak?  Maybe this guy is as bad as everyone is saying, but I'd rather give him the opportunity to speak directly to us and then make the decision for myself as to how believable he is than resort to the media for all of my information.

    On that note, thanks for citing Fox News.  Stellar.  Fox goes the farthest to obfuscate the truth.

  7. I'm appalled at the fact that he is a "non-believer of the Holocaust".  That alone makes me hate the man, not to mention that he's a sympathizer to terrorists, AND he's been known to fund terrorism groups.  What the h**l could he possibly want to do in NYC?  Pay his respects to the 9/11 victims?  I highly doubt that he is here on a humanitarian mission.

    He has no business guest speaking at Colombia, and whoever allowed this is an idiot. As a former NYC resident, my messsage to Ahmadinejad is, "Go the h**l back to Pakistan, you American-hating b*****d".  

    "The Holocaust didn't happen"....WHAT?????

  8. If I had a high powered rifle and a scope..he wouldn't feel it.

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