
Ahmadis, do u believe that everyone will go to Jannah, even if someone never worshipped Allah swt?

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If u do believe in this, then why should people try their best to win Paradise, when others dont even care and still go to Jannah?




  1. Ahmadis Shias Mouatazela Khawarjis  Sufis all other deviant sects

    all of them changed Islam they have their own beliefs which is not Islam !

    I can respect them and their beliefs if they stop saying that is Islam !! because it's not and will make Islam looks bad !

    May Allah guide them all.

  2. No. The Quran clearly states that believing in Allah is a pre-requisite. Though, the Quran does not limit it to Muslims only. Here is the reference:

    "Surely, those who believe and the Jews and the Christians and the Sabians—whichever party from among these truly believes in Allah and the Last Day and does good deeds, shall have their reward with their Lord, and no fear shall come upon then nor shall they grieve."(2:63)

    But the followup question could be then, "What's the point of being Muslim if non-Muslims can go to Heaven?" The answer to that lies in the phrase "and does good deeds". A fuller explanation can be found here (audio mp3 format):

  3. Mash'allah very good question.  Ahmadi Muslims believe exactly what the Qur'an and Hadeeth teach.  That is, that h**l is not eternal.  It may last for an incredibly long time, a million trillion years, but Allah's attribute of Mercy exceeds all things.

    The reason why people should do their best to win paradise is simple.  Do you want to suffer for 20 trillion years before attaining paradise or do you want paradise immediatly?  

    Furthermore, paradise is not just one level.  There are countless levels of paradise.  The Qur'an says that as Allahs mercy descends upon people they will be given higher and higher levels of bliss and nearness to Him.  Since Allah swt is infinite, this bliss will increase for eternity.

    The Prophet (sa) is reported to have said that the first heaven will be as far from me (Muhammad), as the earth is from the stars in the sky.

    Hence, simply getting to heaven is good, but certainly not what we would settle for.  We would all want to be in the company of the Prophet (sa) and his companions, rather than 'barely' getting to the first heaven.

    Don't mistake temporary h**l with an easy or painless h**l.  h**l will last as long as Allah requirs it, but He Himself has said that His Mercy covers all things, even His punishment.

    In the end, Allah swt has the ability to forgive all sins.  He is the Gracious, the Merciful, Master of the Day of Judgement.


    @Asker - Your verse makes sense but needs to be taken in context with the rest of the Qur'an.  There are literally countless Ayats and Hadeeth I can quite but I'll quote just two very powerful Ayats to show that h**l is NOT eternal.

    [11:107] As to the unfortunate, they shall be in the Fire, wherein there will be for them sighing and sobbing,  

    [11:108] Abiding therein, so long as the heavens and the earth endure, except as thy Lord may will. Surely, thy Lord does what He pleases.  

    [11:109] But as for the fortunate, they shall be in Heaven, abiding therein as long as the heavens and the earth endure save as thy Lord may wish - a gift that shall not be cut off.  

    Here, Allah explains h**l and Heaven.  HOWEVER, only with Heaven does Allah swt make clear that it is a "gift that shall not be cut off."  He uses the exact same words to describe that both heaven and h**l will last as long as the earth endures, save as the Lord may wish. But ONLY in the case of Heaven does Allah swt make clear that it will never be cut off.

    Regarding h**l, Allah swt clearly says, "They Lord does as He pleases."  No reference is made to people being condemned to h**l forever.  But on the contrary, Allah swt says that people will be gifted with heaven for ever.

    Furthermore, what does Allah swt please?  Well, He pleases to have His Mercy exceed over all things, even over His punishment.  This is made clear by the following verse.

    Al-A`raf Chapter 7 : Verse 157

    And ordain for us good in this world, as well as in the next; we have turned to Thee with repentance.' Allah replied, 'I will inflict My punishment on whom I will; but My mercy encompasses all things.

    Very clearly Allah says, that His Mercy encompasses ALL things, even His punishment.  If h**l is eternal, then how can His mercy encompass all things?  If h**l is eternal, it would mean His Punishment encompasses His Mercy. (naudhobillah)

    So as you can see, h**l may be lasting, and may be for an extremely long time as the verse you cited, but even without getting into Hadeeth, the Qur'an is clear that it is Only Heaven that is eternal.


    @ Isa G - No disrespect taken brother.  But think about what we're proposing - Allah's Mercy exceeds His punishment.  Why is that preposterous?  It's Allah's Mercy.  How can a sin of a finite being exceed the Mercy of an infinite being?

    love for all, hatred for none

  4. Oh this is such a good question! I actually had this same debate with this Ahmadi gal in college. I said the same thing what you said, and she said exactly the same thing what theq1factor is saying. I don't bother with her anymore.

  5. You mean do non-muslims get into heaven who dedicated their lives to healing sick muslims in third world countries too poor for medical facilities (eg. Darfur)? Of course they go to h**l... I refuse to go to jannah if those non-muslims are there. I want to share heaven with the Arab Janjawids who caused the war, not with the non-Muslims healing their victims.

  6. Similar question was asked from Hadhrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad the 4th Khalifa of Ahmadiyya MUSLIM Community:

    In fact this is an ojection that the Holy Quran raises against the parochial attitude of Christian towards Jews and Jews towards Christian. Allah says in the Holy Qur’an

    2: 114. And the Jews say, `The Christians stand on nothing' and the Christians say, `The Jews stand on nothing;'

    The Holy Quran tells us that the Jews said that the Christians have no foundation whatsoever so they would never be forgiven by God. And the Christians on the other hand say that the Jews have absolutely no foundation so they will never be liberated by God and they will never go to Heaven. And the Holy Quran took an exception to this attitude. How could the Holy Qur’an having done that take exactly the same attitude towards others. Quite in the contrary. It is the only religion and when I say “the only” I mean “the only” religion in the world  that declares categorically  that Allah’s light, Allah’s guidance, is not thr monopoly of a particular people or a particular area or of the mediteranean belt alone. The Holy Quran declares that the Holy Quran has shown his light and sent his message and reformers in all parts of the world, in all ages among all the people black and white and yellow, no distinction. So having made such magnaminous declaration covering the entire world, bringing it under the spell of Allah’s mercy. How could Quran take this parochial attitude that none but a muslim would ever be forgive. On the contrary it goes further to explain that

    إِنَّ الَّذِينَ آمَنُواْ وَالَّذِينَ هَادُواْ وَالنَّصَارَى وَالصَّابِئِينَ

    مَنْ آمَنَ بِاللَّهِ وَالْيَوْمِ الآخِرِ وَعَمِلَ صَالِحاً

    يَحْزَنُونَ خَوْفٌ عَلَيْهِمْ وَلاَ هُمْ فَلَهُمْ أَجْرُهُمْ عِندَ رَبِّهِمْ وَلا

    2: 63. Surely, those who believe and the Jews and the Christians and the Sabians - whichever party from among these truly believes in ALLAH and the Last Day and does good deeds, shall have their reward with their Lord, and no fear shall come upon then nor shall they grieve.

    This is a very taken from Chapterrr Al Baqarah  which says those who have believed i.e. those who believe in the Holy Prophet (saw), and also the Jews and also the Christians and also people belonging to other religion outside the mediteranian belt  because Saabi was the word used for non- Arabian religion, non-mediteranean religions. Whoever belonged to such religion was names as Saabi in those days. So  this word covers all the religions outside Arabia or outside the Mediteranean. Now the Holy Quran, having listing all these religions, says of those who truly believe in God and the Day of Judgement and act righteously, their reward would be upon their Lord, NO fear shall come upon them nor shall they have caused to grief. This is the declaration of the Holy Quran. If according to the Holy Quran all other religions are bound to go to h**l except Muslims then How could Holy Quran declare that their reward is with Allah and no fear shall come upon them. In view of  this categorical statement this is impossible to attricute such a narrow teaching to Islam. Yet as you have rightly said the majority of the Muslims of today take this attitude, Why? They are also not without foundation altogether, they have another verse in mind which they have misunderstood which they have not been able to compromise with this verse which I have just quoted. So unfortunately among the Muslims we find two opposing groups. Some follow this verse and say that even Non-Muslims would be forgiven if they are righteous and some follow the other verse.

    إِنَّ الدِّينَ عِندَ اللّهِ الإِسْلاَمُ

    وَمَن يَبْتَغِ غَيْرَ الإِسْلاَمِ دِيناً فَلَن يُقْبَلَ مِنْهُ

    الْخَاسِرِينَ وَهُوَ فِي الآخِرَةِ مِن

    3: 20 and 86. Surely the true religion with ALLAH is Islam. And whoso seeks a religion other than Islam, it shall not be accepted of him, and in the Hereafter he shall be among the losers.

    Verily the religion in the sight of God is Islam who ever is inclined to accept any religion apart from Islam, it will not be accepted for him by God. What a categorical declation that all other religions will be rejected. So how can you bring these two verses to a compromise situation. And what do you draw from all these apparently paradoxical statements. Once we understand this then the whole issue will be solved on the basis of the authority of the Holy Quran. In fact the Holy Quran having declared that God have revealed light to all the world also gives them guarantee that if within the 4 walls of their teachings they truly believe and they are sincere and they act righteously then their reward is with Allah. So it is the individuals discussed belonging to various paths or the religions of the world. But when religions are compared with the religions then Islam is the latest manifestation  and the most complete manifestation.. Somebody who has to compare and choose his religion, “And whoso seeks a religion other than Islam” that shows that he has already be acquainted with Islam. Yet he prefers another religion to Islam and rejects Islam. He will not be able to benefit from this general declaration which applies to the people who have not rejected Islam, who were born into a different religion and who are following the tenents of that reigion perfectly and who are honest to themselves and God. They will be forgiven, they will go to heaven. But those who are given then opportunity of comparing Islam with other religions, reject the most perfect revelation and latest revelation and accept a less perfect or interpolated revelation. They give the other  religion precedence over Islam. Of course such people will not be held as righteous in front of Allah. And this very act of rejection of Islam shows they are not rightly minded, they are not righteous. Because  if the claim of Islam is correct, that is of course right, but we have to consider this question with some logic. So I am saying that if the claim of Islam is right that this is the latest manifestation and it is the universal revelation. So as compare to this revelation if a Christian without any bias begins to compare Islam with Christianity. He should be able to see that both lie in the same line of development. Only one is an older religion less perfect and more related to its time. And the other one is more perfect and more universal. And also in one case the original book i.e. the testament is interpolated and has find many paradoxes and many difference related by various scholars. The apostles do not agree with each other in many things. And in the other case i.e. the Holy Quran it is a perfectly preserved book, not a word not a jot has changed. That we believe not only as a claim of Muslims but on the authority of hostile critics of Islam. The comparison is very clear. Also he should begin to see that the fundamental claims of Islam stand much more to reason than the present day version of Christianity which would having believe that except for one middle east religion Allah never showed any light to anyone. So on just common sense basis anyone who begins to compare the Christianity of present day, not the Christianity of the Jesus Christ (as) because I believe that is different. And Holy Quran also tells us that it was much closer to Islam than any other religion. But I am talking about the present day version of Christianity, he should be able to see if he is righteous in the sight of Allah. And then having made this comparison, if he rejects Islam and chooses another path then Allah would say it rightly that your faith is rejected by God, If you reject His precious message, His latest message, Allah has the right to reject your faith. That is what it means in “Surely the true religion with ALLAH is Islam.” But for people in the parts of Nigeria or such countries who have never had the ability, not the potential to make religious comparisons. But they are honest people, true people with no paradoxes in what they believe, or no inconsistencies and sincerely follow Christianity and whatever God has given them in wisdom and they follow it sincerely and act righteously. Positively Holy Quran guarantees them reward by Allah and no fear shall come to them.

    Follow the link for the audio version

  7. I dont mean disrespect to the Ahmadis, but in my view that is a preposterous claim.

    Those who are disbelievers will be driven to h**l in companies and when they arrive there and its gates are opened its custodians will say to them, ‘Did Messengers from yourselves not come to you, reciting your Lord’s Signs to you and warning you of the meeting on this Day of yours? ’They will say, ‘Indeed they did, but the decree of punishment is justly carried out against the disbelievers.’ They will be told, ‘Enter the gates of h**l and stay there timelessly, for ever. How evil is the abode of the arrogant!’ (Surat az-Zumar: 71-72)

    : “Burn in the flames of h**l. It makes no difference whether you bear it with patience, or not.” (Surat at-Tur: 16)

    But as for those who are deviators, their refuge is the Fire. Every time that they want to get out, they are put straight back into it again and they are told, ‘Taste the punishment of the Fire, which you denied.’ (Surat as-Sajdah: 20)

    Seize him and drag him bodily into the middle of the Blazing Fire. Then pour the punishment of boiling water on his head.’ ‘Taste that! You are the mighty one, the noble one! This is the very thing you used to doubt.’ (Surat ad-Dukhan: 47-50)

    This torment is not limited to a single case; it repeats itself over and over again for all eternity. The people of h**l feel hunger so intensely that, despite trying countless times, they can not help but eat the fruits of the bitter thorn, which make them writhe in pain. Then they rush to the boiling water. Yet, this water can never be digested. As stated in the verse above, they slurp like thirst-crazed camels. To make this suffering even more severe, disbelievers are driven to h**l thirsty. (Surah Maryam: 86)

  8. I'm no ahmadi but why would they think that? They're still Muslims who follow the Qur'an & Hadiths.

  9. my salvation is at risk unless i get any answers to my question (if i convert to islam that is...if the answer is haram, i won't convert)... plzz answer :-) :-) cheeeers;...

  10. Hello...

    You would probably not call me a Muslim, either... but I was told that all it takes to be a believer/submitter is to believe that there is only One God, that Mohammed is his prophet, and that the Quran is the holy word of God.  I do believe that, so I guess I am a Muslim... but I believe a great many other things, too.  

    Do Ahmadis believe in God, Mohammed (pbuh) and the inspired nature of the Quran?

    Then whoever calls them apostates (kafir? is that the word?) is being cruel to a humble follower of God.  If our perceptions and thoughts are different, this is no reason to hate each other.  They are just thoughts... and none of us really KNOW the mind of God, do we?

    I thought judgment was to be left up to Allah.  I can't see any other way to Peace than to love each other, and let God be the judge of whether they go to heaven or not, etc.  If you think you know something more than an Ahmadis, share it with love and respect.  There is no sin in doing that. ♥

  11. well to answer ur question. one touch of h**l fire is bad enough...

    but it still doesn't make sense.

    i don't get why they believe it either.

  12. not every one..but minority will be in Jannah

    and also Jannah and Jahannum are eteranl abode ,,where they will live forever

    [4:169] except the way to h**l, wherein they abide forever. This is easy for GOD to do.

    [2:79] Therefore, woe to those who distort the scripture with their own hands, then say, "This is what GOD has revealed," seeking a cheap material gain. Woe to them for such distortion, and woe to them for their illicit gains.

    [2:80] Some have said, "h**l will not touch us, except for a limited number of days." Say, "Have you taken such a pledge from GOD - GOD never breaks His pledge - or, are you saying about GOD what you do not know?"

    [2:81] Indeed, those who earn sins and become surrounded by their evil work will be the dwellers of h**l; they abide in it forever.

    [2:82] As for those who believe, and lead a righteous life, they will be the dwellers of Paradise; they abide in it forever.

    regarding majority

    [3:110] You are the best community ever raised among the people: you advocate righteousness and forbid evil, and you believe in GOD. If the followers of the scripture believed, it would be better for them. Some of them do believe, but the majority of them are wicked.

    [3:111] They can never harm you, beyond insulting you. If they fight you, they will turn around and flee. They can never win.

    [3:112] They shall be humiliated whenever you encounter them, unless they uphold GOD's covenant, as well as their peace covenants with you. They have incurred wrath from GOD, and, consequently, they are committed to disgrace. This is because they rejected GOD's revelations, and killed the prophets unjustly. This is because they disobeyed and transgressed.

    [6:116] If you obey the majority of people on earth, they will divert you from the path of GOD. They follow only conjecture; they only guess.

    6:128] The day will come when He summons all of them (and says): "O you jinns, you have claimed multitudes of humans." Their human companions will say, "Our Lord, we enjoyed each others' company until we wasted the life span You had set for us." He will say, "h**l is your destiny." They abide therein forever, in accordance with GOD's will. Your Lord is Wise, Omniscient.

    [10:36] Most of them follow nothing but conjecture, and conjecture is no substitute for the truth. GOD is fully aware of everything they do.

    [10:55] Absolutely, to GOD belongs everything in the heavens and the earth. Absolutely, GOD's promise is truth, but most of them do not know.

    [10:60] Does it ever occur to those who fabricate lies about GOD that they will have to face Him on the Day of Resurrection? Certainly, GOD showers the people with His grace, but most of them are unappreciative.

    [39:29] GOD cites the example of a man who deals with disputing partners (Hadith), compared to a man who deals with only one consistent source (Quran). Are they the same? Praise be to GOD; most of them do not know.

    there are many other verses in Glorious Quran

  13. I thought only Jews believed that.There is no h**l in Judaism.


    @ Raw, Ahmadis are Muslims?????

    Are you ok man?

    Go study Islam more!

    Ahmadis have been Officially declared as KAFIRS in Pakistan.Saudi Arabia Banned them from entering Mecca and Medina.Do you consider yourself more knowledgeable than those scholars/sheaikhs who declared Ahmadis as kafirs?if you do, then i must say you are in Idiot.


    @ Mr OM, exactly, i will also stop fighting with them if they agree to say they are non-muslims.

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