
Aid to foreign countries worth it???

by  |  earlier

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I have a debate i need to do. I am in favor of aid to foreign countries. does anybody know something good about aid to other countries, or any websites i can get info from? thanks!




  1. To some extend, foreign aid is necessary.  But when you have marauding bands of thieves destroying the aid to those in need of it, we need to address those types of problems because we then become the portal of these guerrilla-warfare-bandits survival; not the rest of humankind because they are left for dead.

  2. Not to Africa though, how many billions of dollars have gone to corrupt government warlords over the years, its a case of the rich getting richer, and the poorer getting poorer here!!

  3. By providing aid to governments that are friendly to us and our interests we can help keep those governments in power.

  4. it is needed! i watched Idol Gives Back last night. look up on that it talks about aid in foreign countries

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