
Aid workers abuse of African Children, has anyone seen this?

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Aid workers sexual abuse of children in African countries, and a representative from Save The Children has admitted that several of their Aid workers have been found to have sexually abused these vulnerable children. They have now been sacked.

If there was anything more despicable, i can't think what. And as i am now watching the news about it and a little girl saying that up to 10 raped her, words for once fail me.




  1. this is the first i have heard of it and it is truly sickening. you think that you have seen or heard that this world can offer then something else trumps it. disgusting.

  2. It is a disgrace but I cant say I am surprises, it is always the same. The people who are meant to be there to help the most vulnerable instead do some terrible damage to them. Its like no one really cares about them out of sight out of mind, and its so wrong...... It actually sickens me and like you I am for once quite lost for words, some people really deserve everything they have coming to them for hurting people who can not stand up for themselves

  3. Its so sad. I hate people that do this.

    Sacked they should have been hanged on the spot.

    What some people will do to vulnerable people.

    We must all be aware, all the time, anywhere.

  4. This is truly despicable, and these people want putting in Prison.. never mind just giving them a fine...when I heard that I could have choked, as it is pathetic, but as usual they are let off, with just a few measly fine to pay. This is Rape, and on children...well it does not bear thinking about. It seems that these days you cannot trust anyone to do a job which is highly sensitive, and with the  children through no fault of their own are left without food, water, and their Parents. Have you no shame..,you terrible lot..?

  5. This is old news and has been happening for years, but as usual the U.N is useless in helping the people who need it. this sadly still continues to happen

  6. I feel the same as you, I asked a question similar myself, earlier.

    We always think aid workers are the do gooders, that we wish we could be, if we had the time or training.

    To learn they are motivated by sick ideas is beyond belief.

  7. I have worked for charities, and given the collection of weirdies, drop-outs and dodgy characters they seemed to attract, I can't say I'm altogether surprised.

  8. Nope,never heard this story and dont believe it either.

    The facts are that young girls are raped and abused routinely by their family's and villagers.

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