
Aids? Is it really as bad as everyone makes out?

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Aids? I,m thinking about getting aids, is it a real pain in the **** or are there any positive sides to it? Also i think that my granddad once put a q****s winkie in his ear, cos he told me he has hearing aids. And what about when i said to a mate of mine"i love a drinking binge now and again, do you fancy coming on a bender?" and he said "it wont be the first time luv" and winked, what did he mean? Help i,m confused. Also once i said "i dont feel well, i,ve come over a little q***r" and everyone laughed and said "Oh, you know Don Estelle as well then"? What did they mean? and who is don estelle?




  1. Blimey  four attempted jokes in such a few lines. I'm a littlle impressed...

    Seriously, don't give up yer day job mate, you've got a lonnng way to go!

  2. you must be jokin or takin the mickey seriously what are you on? aids i would rather have cancer than aids to be honest thats how bad it is.

  3. You mean hearing aids right?

  4. It certainly sounds like you deserve aids. Good luck with that.

  5. you shouldn't joke about aids, its a terrible thing for people suffering from it.

  6. knowing several people who have aids, i can only answer that the only pains in the*** are people like you who are obviously very uneducated about the matter.  homophobic humor is not only unbecoming but also may be hurtful to many who have this health condition.  heterosexual females and children of people who do not know they are transmitting a virus and people who got blood before the blood bank supply was tested, transfusion recipients can not be blamed. but is anyone blameless?   think about this, who deserves the incidence of contracting the virus?  if it were contracted by insensitivity to your fellow human, you would be at high risk. shame on you!        

  7. I don't know, is the grave as bad as everyone makes out?

  8. good luck with Karma my friend

  9. Upon entering a g*y bar one should never ask "excuse me mate, mind if i push your stool in a bit?"

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