
Aim video chat. HELP!! not working?

by  |  earlier

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yesterday me and my friend tried out our video chat. it worked fine, we saw and heard each other perfectly, but today when we tried it it didnt work. she couldnt see herself in the corner or me. i could se myself in the corner but not her. we heard each other fine, but we cant seem to figure out the problem.. can anyone help??

could it be that windows vista is the problem. yesterday i had a really hard time downloading the software. im starting to not like the computer!!




  1. i know i have vista i hate it i wish it was xp but im thankful for the ocmputer :)..but the video chat probably has nothing todo with the computer maybe its just could uninstall aim and re install it and try agian..or maybe its ur sn..? you can go on someone elses sn and maybe try it out..ims ure it will be fine soon sometimes aim just messes up for no reason

    hope i helped

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