
Ain't this a fine example? "Don't do as I DO! Do as I SAY! A Greeen MEP swanning about in a chauffered Limo!

by Guest61756  |  earlier

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Caroline Lucas : A GREEN Member of the European Parliament thought nothing of missing her train and using a car.

THEN she got a chauffeur-driven Limo from Lincoln to London.After appearing on Question Time and giving us all the "Usual Preaching" about Fuel and Energy!




  1. We campaigned endlessly to clean our air.  We reduced soots and deposits by an incredible amount over the past 20 yrs.

    The Result - less light being reflected back out to space by our atmosphere creating accelrated heating of our planet.


  2. Don't they all?  The biggest p**s take in Europe is the Co2 emission.  Indeed, driving our cars and not recycling properly has a tiny impact.  The biggest (non-treatable) impact is our very cows in the fields, and the sea.  We make a 2% input with our ugly living and apparently there is 80% of Co2 that we have no control over.  How GREEN can we be?  Even if the USA and China got on board, realistically it is a tiny contribution to our earth.  

    I do not condone her actions for nothing more than she is spending my hard earned tax!

  3. Most Green MPs in Europe are the right opposite of "apples": green on the outside and red on the inside.

    I don't "preach green", I practice it; live on a farm, our  horses, chickens and geese produce the only manure we use and die of old age; grow my own veg. and fruit, buy only Bio-products and am looking forward to bio-fuel for the car. My only "sin": Aviation, but I was practically born to it.

    On the other hand most MPs preach well and practice another version of bio-life.

    One day "Gaia" will get her own back and evict us all.

  4. The best off all was Blair who when speaking of global warming  and how the minions would have to reduce their air travel in the same statement declared he would still be taking his family on long haul jaunts.Because they deserved it!!!!!!

  5. This is not a surprise to me.

  6. Environmentalism is a money making scam. And global warming is the newest religion. And like scams and most religions its all about making money by robbing it from the less intelligent!

  7. Prescott did a similar one - getting his motorcade to one station above Gretna - getting on the train one stop up - arriving in Gretna saying trains are good! Then travelling one more stop and meeting his car again and off.  

    Nothing new in Green Hypocrisy and Chicanery

  8. I agree with you I fired my chauffeur and drive my Limo myself.

  9. yep...bollocks...

  10. The only answers to climate change that the Greens have come up with are silly rules about wheely bins with draconian punishments for transgressors and extra taxation.This will have the effect of pricing poorer people off the road and motoring will become an activity only indulged in only by the wealthy.This will surely lead to massive resentment and an even more entrenched us and them society.

  11. Two faced. Its alright for the masses, but not for the princes and princesses of life.

  12. What a joke, bit like Cameron riding his bike with a limo behind him with his paperwork and they have the cheek to tell us to cut our carbon footprints.

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