
Air Cleaner for a smoker with low budget?

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Im looking for an air cleaner/purifier for someone who is a smoker. I found some cheap ones at Wal-Mart for like $40 but I am really worried that those ones generate ozone and not very effective when it comes to eliminating odor.

Im pretty paranoid when it comes to chemicals so I don't want to have any incenses and candles burned. I just need something that I can trust that it won't cause more harm.

Yes I know it sucks that my budget is low. But is there anything that can safely eliminate cigarette smoke? Something I can afford? Please tell me the make/model so I can get sth.

Thank you very much!




  1. I goggled the heck out of this to find one. Sears shows one and the link is below.

    I think with the amount of money you have to spend and what I saw looking at them, the best way may be to try and vent the smoke out of the room to the outside. Not know more makes it hard. Just like getting smoke out of a room or house.

    The best thing is for who ever is smoking to stop.

  2. If you used your cigarette money then you could afford something not so cheap. But then you wouldn't need one if you did. Ironic, isn't it.

    Oreck makes a good one and you can make payments so it doesn't cost so much all at once. Visit their website at

    The cheap ones you are talking about use up a lot of electricity, need new filters constantly, and do put a lot of ozone into the air instead of oxygen. Plus they tend to break down fairly quickly.

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