
Air Conditioner Won't Power On...Was working a few hours ago

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OK, I have a Haier Performance Plus Series Air Conditioner Window Unit. It's the digital thermometer type. It worked just a few hours ago. Then I noticed it was starting to get warm in here, so I went to adjust the thermostat and it won't even turn on. I checked the outlet, it works fine. When it was on a few hours ago, it was working fantastic. It's not a circuit, either, checked that. What could it be? Are there fuses in AC's?




  1. sometimes on the end of the plug a reset button needs to be pushed. try unplugging it let it sit about 30 min. if it wont reset flip your main breaker back and forth than plug back in..

  2. Alot of AC disconnets are fused.  You probably don't have a tester so you won't know if the fuse is blown.  This happened to my mom yesterday and when I checked the unit it had power to it.  The capacitor inside the unit was bad.  The capacitor stores electricity and gives the unit a boost to get started.

  3. check the breaker....It could have kicked.....if so, turn the breaker all the way off, then back on.....

  4. You failed to mention if this was 110v or 220v. How did you test the circuit? If you are sure of the source, then I think you will need service, because there are no fuses inside the unit.

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