
Air Crash I need your OPINION about !!!?

by  |  earlier

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Why dont they just keep a parachute under all the passenger seats and if a plain is going to crash at least they have the chance of surviving




  1. because the exit doors cannot be opened during flight. there is too much psi about 400 per square inch that it would be virtually impossible to open the doors to escape, much less with a parachute. Thus parachutes aren't necessary.

  2. Many crashes occur without sufficient advance warning.

    There wouldn't be time to get everyone ready,

    and passengers don't have the training to successfully jump with a chute.

  3. 1 - If a plane is going down, there is no way in h**l to coordinate 100+ people to safely exit a plane.

    2 - When planes reach altitudes of around 30000 feet there is a sort of negative pressure outside the cabin. Also the cabin is pressurized to 8 atmospheres, so if they tried to open the door, a whole bunch of people would fly out and objects moving at high speed would act as bullets.

    3 - It is ridiculously cold outside of a plane. At around 30000 feet it is between -50 and -60 degrees fahrenheit. People would probably freeze to death in a few minutes.

    4 - The plane depending on size will be moving at 250+ mph. The chances of you jumping out the door and hitting the plane are almost certain

    So all in all, you'll die if you try to parachute out of a plane that is going to crash. Its better to just sit in your seat and wait out the 5 minute freefall.

  4. Well, first of all, in order for that to be at all useful, you have to be able to eject people from the plane.  That would mean fitting every seat on every plane with an ejection system.  It would also mean installing a system in every plane whereby the top portion of the plane's fuselage could be instantaneously removed, because it would be pretty stupid to eject right into the roof of the plane.  If you were somehow able to manage all of this, you would then have 100+ people simultaneously ejecting out of an airplane, increasing the chances that they would bump into one another in mid air, possibly getting parachutes tangled and causing multiple people to die after the ejection.

    Now, lets say you're going to get people to just jump out.  As soon as you open the doors (if you even could), the cabin would decompress, killing many people.  Then, it would simply take too long for the remaining survivors to bail out.

    All in all, that plan is at best impractical, and at worst moronic.

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