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Just swore in the air force and i guess 2E2X1 - COMPUTER, NETWORK, SWITCHING AND CRYPTOGRAPHIC SYSTEMS is my job title. But just wondering what to expect at my tech school for this particular job. Locations, how long I'll spend there, how hard is the actual school, studying, what a day is like anything is good.




  1. So you're probably headed to Keesler AFB in Biloxi Mississippi it's a pretty cool place to be stationed. The school's pretty intense and a lot of people fail out. But if you stay focused you shouldn't have any problem with it just make sure you set aside time to study every night. The school is about six months long but like i said it's not a bad place to be except for the BX and commissary are really small. Well hope I helped a little bit my husband and I just came from there.

  2. you'll probably have tech school at keesler AFB in mississippi. not sure how long your school will be, most schools are anywhere from 6 weeks to 6 month. you could easily ask a recruiter or check out the AF's website. school shouldn't be hard, they want you to learn your job, they won't set you up for failure!! when you first get to tech school you'll have limited freedoms, they give you a curfew and stuff and you are not allowed off base. you will go through "phases" and with each phase you get more and more liberties. you'll have fun, trust me, just try to stay out of trouble!

    congrats on your enlistment and good luck with your career!!

  3. Sound like you'll be working with this group. If the FBI come knocking it's because you'll need a clearance of some sort. Don't panic, tell them EVERYTHING they want to know. Or they have ways of making you talk. JK

  4. Depending on what equipment your initially trained on,

    You will be either a

    2E2X1A , 2E2X1B or a 2E2X1C

    The A,B and C are designators for specific equipment you are trained on.

    All go thru 51 days training in Electronics at Keesler AFB

    2E2X1A then receives another 97 days training at Keesler

    2E2X1B then receives another 95 days training at Keesler

    2E2X1C then receives another 111 days training at Keesler.

    Yes you are going to have to study, ore than your used to.

    In the electronic school, figure to average 3 hours every night studying.

    Most people who fail the Tech School, will fail during the electronics school.

    The other training, is more hands on training, although you still have alot of theory you have to learn.

    You have to spend more time studying the theory, than for the hands on.

    You are generally tested weekly, you have to make a 70 percent to pass.

    You are generally given three chances to  fail during Tech School , where you can repeat a class.

    But that is not guaranteed.

    You will have more information thrown at you, than you are used to.

    Basically, you will learn more in one day at Tech School, than you learned in a month  of High School.

    The link below, list the bases you can be assigned to after Tech School.

    In the right hand column, you will see where it list Skill Level,

    You will be a 3 skill level after Tech School, so can only go to bases with a 3 skill level listed.

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