
Air Force on base dorm rooms?

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I leave for BT in 3 Months, then have 4 Months of Tech school down in Maryland (Computer Operations Specialist) When I get out of Tech school and am stationed at a base, I plan on living on base at least for a little while and I have a question regarding if the dorm rooms already have either 1 or 3 (From what I gather I will have two roomates) Computers for the residents.

Or will I have to buy my own, and in the event they do NOT already have computers installed, do most on base dorm rooms have internet access?





  1. There are no computers set up in the dorms for occupants to use.  If you want computer access from your room, you will need to buy your own PC and pay for your internet access.  Most bases only work with one specific cable and internet company (for security reasons).  When you move in, their contact info should be part of the information you recieve.  If you would rather not buy a computer right away, the base library has computers for public use, but of course you can only do so during library hours and they may block access to certain sites.  Surfing the net at work is not happening in most places anymore as they block access to places like myspace, facebook and chat or game sites for security reasons.

  2. you will have to take your own computer and if you want cable or internet you are going to have to pay for that as well out of  your pocket...just like for married airmen...they dont give them money for those extras they give them money for a roof over their heads....single airmen get a roof and the basics to live

  3. you will live in the dorms for at least three years, so don't say you plan on staying there for a "little while" the air force is not going to pay housing allowance to an airman basic. i never heard of computers being used by residents. you can always go to the library. and yes you can get internet access, you will pay out of pocket for it, just like you will with cable service. don't ASSUME you will be handed everything. just because there is a tv stand you think they will supply you with a tv too??

  4. At travis AFB in northern CA, the dorms are one airman per room, two rooms per bathroom/kitchenette. there is a twin size bed, a tv cabinet, and yes a desk. but no computer. nor is internet provided. but you can usually piggy back on someones wireless if you get a lap top. i cant remember, but i think each room has a tv, but no cable. you call, you pay to install, and you pay the monthly bill.

    if you are strapped for cash, there are libraries, with free internet access, and most of the jobs have enough down time so you can check the computer at work. but sites are blocked. no myspace, no facebook...etc

  5. The Air Force does not issue computers to individual airmen!

    Go and buy your own at the BX!

  6. just because a desk is provided doesn't mean that you will walk in and find a  computer sitting on it.  that is STRICTLY out of pocket for you.   they also won't supply the shampoo and shower gel for the Bathrooms either.  

    Internet will be based on who has the base's contract.   and out of pocket.  as will cable and the phone line too.  

    the only provided computers are in the Library or Rec Center; if they even have them.

  7. For the most part---unless you're a SRA and have signed up with the housing office to move off base you WILL be in base-housing. There is no choice.

    Young Amn (airmen) *request* permission to move off base--they don't just move.  They need to ensure that you are financially responsible and mature enough to make the move.

    1. If the military provides anything it's an 'issued' item. Computers, if provided, then would be an 'issued' item.

    2. Why would you *assume* that the military would 'issue' computers to everyone?

    It's the MILITARY. LOL

    The Air Force is good to it's people but that's just not going to happen.

    You will get a twin bed, nightstand, desk, drawer, an entertainment center/drawer and a wall locker.

    In tech school you'll most likely have a roommate and suitemate.

    It depends in my opinion on your AFSC, situation and location. The medic dorms on my base were the first to be renovated.

    For instance, I was an xray tech, 4roX1.

    I had a roommate/suite-mate in tech school.

    For the 9 months of clinicals/OJT (forget the terminology) which followed, I did have a suite-mate. Never had a roommate though.

    As permanent party you will most likely have a suite-mate and you will share the bathroom.  It'd be horrible if they made you share a room with people. Tech school is one thing but you're permanent party.


    -Air Force accommodations are usually very nice.  Not shabby at all.  

    I was stationed at Macdill AFB in Tampa Florida. The 'Base Renovation Project' as I called it was just ongoing. lol.  

    Anyway the new base housing is just lovely. They're town-homes built on stilts (because the base is right next to the gulf waters. Let a good tropical depression come through and you'll have some SERIOUS flooding to contend with).

    When I was living on base (as perm. party), my dorm was located directly over the day-room so it was just HUGE!  

    I had 2 wall-lockers and a queen-size bed in there.

    You must seek your own internet connection, I believe. I don't think there's anything you can 'tap' into.


    when you do move off base be aware that some bases have arrangements with the apartment complexes, for cheaper deals and cheaper rates for military members.

    The discounts are anywhere from 5-15%.  The rentl amt is fixed.

    My one-bed/bath apartment jumped from (around) 715 to $760/mth.

    I moved in paying $685. I moved out 4 yrs later still paying $685.

    Through this program your deposits are waived. Though you will have to pay a pet deposit if you own one.

    Credit Checks are waived too.

    The housing office and the apartment complex handle everything else.

    You literally just move in.

    hope that helps

  8. You will have to pay for your own internet access in the dorms and acquire your own computer. However, if you don't have the finance for it you can always use the library's computer, every base should have one. You will also have to live in the dorms until you make rank of SrA (E-4) or if you get married before then.  

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