
Air Force pilot training?PLease....If you pick you want to fly heavies do you still have to learn aerobatics?

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OK if you can help me GREAT!. On this web site is the SUPT the flight training that all students go through? if it is.. on that web site if you click on phase 2 ( which is high lighted in blue) , in the part that says 1. contact stage , if you read it all , then read the last paragraph it will say you learn aerobatics. Do all pilots have to learn aerobatics in this training? or is it only for pilots who want to be fighter pilots. I want to be a heavy air craft pilot, would i still have to learn aerobatics?

I just don;t think i can be a pilot if i have to learn aerobatics.





  1. After flight school you will be chosen based on your abilities and scores. Yes, you will be thrown, tossed, turned and everything else that will make you throw up and hurt every bone in your body! Perhaps your most suited to choppers.

  2. Let me think...

    You get an Uncontrolled yaw and blow an engine in the direction of yaw (sounds like FOD or swallowing a seagull), how do you pull out of it without having experienced corrective/ recovery procedures in a controlled environment?  

    and PLEASE, don't EVEN think that they are going to let you practice recovery in a C-17 or C-5B.

    The acrobatics part of any flight course is to give you OPTIONS no matter the size of aircraft that you are pushing through the skies!!

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