
Air Force requirements!?

by Guest44690  |  earlier

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ok heres the thing, im 6 ft 1 inch so air force min weight is 144 or something like that. I wiegh 114 lbs and am a male, how can i gain that much weight, and fast. and not fat weight, muscle. And when i say fast, i mean FAST. joining air force in 2 years when i finish uni. Im pretty poor so gym is off the list. my closest gym costs $120 sign up, $50 monthly, no other gyms close enough dont have a car, parents cant pay. Thanks please help me guys want to fight for my country.




  1. your so skinny well you should eat plety or carbs pasta rice spagetti and run and push and pull ups and lift weights

    sorry for all the ands

  2. Try reading this article that is pretty comprehensive when it comes to weight training. You don't necessarily need to join a gym, you could do exercises without equipment or buy some cheap free weights at Walmart. Anyway, the most common reasons thin people have trouble gaining muscle is that they workout too much or that they don't eat enough. This article clears up a lot of misconceptions.

  3. You need to focus on three main goups

    Protein- for muscle mass

    Carbs- work hand in hand with protein in muscle development

    fat- the high energy compound that fuels you 24/7

    Eat tons of food that contain these as well as working out;push-ups, situps, and wall-sits(if you don't know what it is then google it). To gain mass on these you will need to do each of these exercises slowly with perfect form.

    Pick up some "whey protein" at walmart near the pharmacy, you can get 2lbs. for about ten dollars and it lasts for months. It contains fat,carbs, and a lot of protein soooo its gonna help.

    good luck

  4. Push ups, find a way/place to do pull ups, get a medicine ball and do squats....basically a lot of weight training

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