
Air Force tech school.

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my husband is in his 4th week of basic training for the USAF. when he called me last week he told me that someone had said to him that if he has a wife and child that we would be able to live with him while he was in tech school? is that true, or was he mis-informed?




  1. Jessica,

    That will depend on current AF policy.  When I was in, if his Tech school was over something like 26 weeks, then dependents would be authorized to accompany him at Tech school.. Now, that doesn't mean that you still couldn't go,  but unless authorized on his orders, the AF won't pay Housing allowance or any travel allowances for you and your child.  Contact him closer to Basic Graduation.  He will know by then.  A counsellor at Lackland will brief him on any entitlements.

  2. yes and no, depending on how long the tech school is and what his career field is. If his tech school is 6 weeks long, the govt will not pay for you to move out there to him. However if his tech school is a long time, (mine was 9 months) they will pay for you to move out to whatever the base is. We had married guys and girls living in housing in Keesler. They are called sep-rats. I am not sure on the cut off is for the length of tech school, but you can make a call to the base's Airmen Family and readiness center and they can give  you the answer.

  3. Current AF regulations state, that if your Tech School is longer than 20 weeks,

    The dependents can join the serving member.

    Note: there are very few Tech Schools longer than 20 weeks.

    If the military will pay for the move, you wll be included on his orders to Tech School.

    Of course, you can move to his Tech School yourself and pay for the move yourself, and rent an apartment.

    Then after 30 days at tech School, your husband can ask to move off base and live with you.

    Approval is not automatic, he must be approved by his commander.

    Based on how well he is doing,

    IE: if he is having problems, then he will not be approved.

    Generally, it is just best to wait untill he goes to his first duty assignment to join him.

    Youican go visit him at Tech School.

  4. If his tech school is 6 months or more yes they will pay.
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