
Air Force then Army? In air refueling to Pilot in army? HELP!

by  |  earlier

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I really like the job the air force has as an in air refueling apprentice, but i really want to join the army too and be a warrant officer and fly heli's.

only if you have Air force or Army experience answer this, or accurate info. Is it possible to join the Air force first, become an in air refueling apprentice and then after my term join the Army as a Warrant officer? If i cant i will just join the army then, but i would really like to be an AF boom operator and then warrant officer . Will the army take me in from AF and would i be able to be a pilot in the army? or is it better to enlist into the army first from the civilian world to become a warrant officer...?

Help me with my situation please.





  1. Join the AF first. when you get about 15 months from the end of your contract find an army warrant officer recruiter. he can get you switched over then you go directly to warrant office school and the on to pilot school. its a very easy process. I looked into the process myself.

  2. One thing, unless you are plan on going into the Air Guard or Reserves you can't put all your eggs in the Air Refeuling basket. Regular activie duty recruiters will not send an applicant to MEPS if they are only interested in one job. I've been recruiting for four years and have never put a boom operator in the Air Force. You can list it as a choice if you qualify for it, but you have to list 7 other choices. It's possible to go from Air Force enlisted to Army warrant officer school, but you will need to be willing to look at other Air Force jobs.

  3. Both ways work. You can be an in air refueling apprentice and then become an army warrant officer and fly helicopters. Or, just choose the Army. If I were you, I would do both. That way you can get a better experience. Good luck my friend.

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