
Air Traffic Control- Math or Science?

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I'm going to be attending Community College of Beaver County soon and the curriculum shown on the website for the first year (first two semesters) basically has a choice of two sets of classes, one with algebra, and the other with science.

Does anyone know which would be easier? I mean I know it probably differs as everyone has a stronger subject but in general, which classes are easier for anyone who has taken them already.




  1. Don't worry about which is easier.  Just take whichever interests you most and study hard.  The curriculum at Beaver is very simple compared to what's in store once you get hired at an Air Traffic facility.  Especially if it's a Center.  

    We get these CTI folks in here all the time and they think they're the "next big thing" only to be searching for a new job 2 years later.

    Getting through school is only the 1st step and by far the easiest step.  Just stay humble and learn!  In our profession there is no substitute for knowledge.

  2. i think you need to take math because i think it will help you more in any situation.

  3. Well, I think you should really go for whichever one will help you the most with your future. As to the easier of the 2 I would say algebra. It really depends on what type of science it is since you did not specify but monkeys can do algebra, they start you off in 7th grade in algebra here.

  4. Neither has any impact on your ability to separate aircraft, and thus succeed in your new career.   If you plan to eventually go into management, math would be marginally more helpful, since you will end up doing a certain amount of number crunching.  I've always been more inclined to the scientific end of things, but math rears its head there too.  I'm sure you already know where your strengths lie, and I would suggest you look in that direction, 'cause in the real world of keeping airplanes separated "it don't make no never mind" whether you had a math or science background.  Best of luck with your chosen career!

  5. Which ever one is harder is what you want to take, ATC is extremely stressful and needs real time decision making, there is no pause button. The only thing that even comes close to it is flying, since you cant just pull over, both require you to learn to keep your mind ahead of what you are doing and to do things as they come, there arent breaks.

    Seriously, take the hardest damned things you can because you are going to have to learn large amounts of information and know it perfectly, you cant afford to be wrong.

    Im not trying to discourage you or be condescending, but I know you are physically capable of it and it will help you out immensly.

  6. Math is so important and useful so take the math and keep current! Science is general and can be picked up at a later date! Have you seen the movie Pushing Tin? Great movie!

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