
Air Traffic Controller and having a DUI?

by  |  earlier

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I have recently been selected for interviews in mid august, and I'm concerned that I will not be selected because I recently got a driving under the influence. I'm sure that this will negatively impact my consideration for the job, however, will I be automatically disqualified or is there anything that I can/should do to prepare to explain this situation?




  1. youll probably end up workin at mccdonalds thats not cool u couldve killed soem 1

  2. It appears you should have thought of that BEFORE you decided to drink and drive.  ATC is a very responsible job, you have the lives of many people in your hands.

    You acted irresponsibly. Drinking is a big No-no in the aviation game.  What I can't understand is you applied for ATC and got an interview THEN got your DWI?

    I don't think you were cut out for ATC. Maybe you can find a job in another genre.

    Good luck and keep your nose clean.

  3. Doesnt sound you have the level of responsibility required to be an air traffic controller. Lucky you didnt kill anyone.

  4. well honeslty..... they wont even allow air traffic controllers to take sleeping medication and if they do its under watch highly for the symptoms it could cause....

  5. I've heard of some getting second chances.  While this is not ideal, its not 100% disqualifying.  One thing they absolutely do not tolerate is lying.  Fess up, don't hide anything from them.  Go to AA, even if you don't need it.  You must be able to show alcoholism is not a  problem with you and this was an isolated incident.  That will give you the best chances, if you make it to interview.

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