
Air Traffic Controllers. Is It worth it?

by Guest63277  |  earlier

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I'm very excited about the prospect of a career in ATC. But I keep hearing everyone talk about how stressful ATC's have it. I have recently apply but is it worth it? I'm pretty good at handling stress but it sounds like your hair will start falling out or you lose weight. Can someone give me some feed back please. On top of that i hear they cut each pay band by 30%. Do most ATC's feel unappreciated?




  1. Recently management in ATC sucks. they try to s***w you out of whatever they can and they try to cut your pay. i would not recommend working for the ATC right now. They have also imposed pointless rules on air traffic controllers. there is a freaking dress code. INSIDE a building that the average public person cannot get into. also they don't let families come to work either, not even a two year old kid because they are somehow a threat. anybody who can retire has already done so, and everybody else is counting down the days till they retire. plus, the only people who do any work are the controllers, the supervisors are lazy slobs who don't do anything. and they try to cut pay of the controllers who they have convinced themselves are "overpaid and underworked". and i don't think that there is any price too high when you have the lives of thousands and thousands of people on your hands every day.

  2. As an Ex. ATC (CAA and FAA) for 9 years I can say, yes, it can be stressful at times, but when you add in the satisfaction it doesn't even come into play.

    GO FOR IT.........You'll love it

    I did the Center bit for a short time but LOVED the Tower. I liked to see who I was talking to.

    All the above is based on ATC a loooooong time ago, not sure how it is today..

  3. I hear that they can retire in mid 50's with a 6 figure pension.  That ain't bad.

  4. if you like ATC and also the military look at combat Controllers for the USAF but ATCs have a OK life it depends on where you work like if you go from LAX to someplace small its nice if you want a slow down but if you go from some place slow to a place like LAX it can suck pretty bad

  5. I hear it's very high-stress. Countless lives depend on your exact precision every day.

    I hear the pay is great too.

    I say, if you want to do it, and it's something you love, DO IT!

  6. it's good money stressful but dont you have to go to school for that!

  7. While the ATC job has become less desired over the last decade or so, the job itself is still a very interesting career.

    Air Traffic Controllers do have a lot of stress, however exceptional training beforehand teaches future controllers how to handle it. You have to get in to the right facility to really love your job. The FAA Academy is where everyone is trained the field of ATC. There are lots of positions available; not just radar positions. There are controllers who work full-time in a Tower, as well, where most of the work is visual. It's usually based on personal preference. I believe the controllers are trained in both ways - radar and Tower operations. Here's a link to the FAA Air Traffic Control Academy website:

    I would HIGHLY recommend that if you would like to become a real world controller that you join, the Virtual Air Traffic Simulation Network. If you do, join the VATUSA division and Denver ARTCC. I'm an instructor there. Basically, VATSIM reproduces the world's entire ATC system by use of Flight Simulator and free desktop "radar clients" for controllers that have a similar layout as real-world ATC scopes. Check it out at Click the New ATC Start Here link on the side panel (it's blue) and find out more information. VATSIM is 100% free, volunteer-run, and welcoming to newcomers.

    -Happy Controlling!

  8. Also, try taking a look at the PPrune- it has an ATC section where you may get some information from actual ATC's.

  9. is it worth what?

  10. As I said in my other answer being a controller can be worth it, and not worth it.  And while there are more positions than just radar, if I remember correctly every controller, whether tower or center, must qualify on radar, they just might not work radar all the time.  Course it might be that tower controllers who work at a facility that has radar must qualify on radar, while those who work at a facility that doesn't have radar don't.  

    But center controllers are not trained to work in towers and vice versa.

    Edit:  yes controllers retire in their mid fifties...they have to retire by age choice.  But, they don't retire on 6 figure retirement.   They retire on at least 50% and up to 60% of their top three years base pay.  New controllers are not under the same retirement plan.

  11. I had a friend that was an ATC. He slept with my girlfriend, which has always been a stress reliever for me. The time that he spent with her was the most relaxed I had ever seen him. I guess a good s*x life will prevent you from stressing out...

    ---He is no longer my friend... but she is one kinky s**t.

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