
Air Travel Turbulance how bad or your stories?

by Guest59896  |  earlier

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I just flew in a flight from Atl to LAS and was the worst turbulance I have encountered and also a flight attendent said this after 35 yrs of service. Is this a fluke thing?




  1. I actually find mild turbulance rather soothing, puts me to sleep reasonably quickly.  But ive had a few flights where the seatbelt sign was on for the full 12 hrs from SIN-FRA.

  2. Had a flight on which they could not even serve drinks for the most part. I enjoyed it however.... being a pilot myself, I love it when the flight is a bit "interesting"

  3. Spring is always nasty as far as turbulence goes.

  4. The worst flight I experienced was from MIA to SFO.   There was no turbulence at all.  Turbulence just lets you know you are still alive.   You dont feel the drops, you just feel the wings producing lift again.

  5. Right--this is turbulence season, especially over the continental USA.  Good time to book an early morning flight or a red-eye, so you will fly when the atmosphere is experiencing the least in uneven heating.

    Or take a trip to Myanmar.  Or catch a train.  Good luck.

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