
Air Travel help .. ?

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Im boarding a plane in a few days time and havent so in almost 2 years.

When i get on planes, i have a tendency to vomit whether or not i eat.

I also cannot stand to eat anything on the plane.. but i have to since it's a long journey flight.

If i eat im more likely to throw up ..

So any advice on how to deal with this ?




  1. I used to throw up on planes, but then my parents started giving me ear medicine before I got on and I didn't throw up any more. I also think that you can buy something for that at a pharmacy, but I'm not sure. I hope you have a nice flight!  

  2. ativan/lorazepam.  

  3. Travel sickness is generally caused by the repetitive movement and motion that affects the vestibular (inner ear) balance mechanism. The turbulence and motion of the plane causes the body, inner ear, and eyes all to send conflicting messages to the brain. This mismatch of information is what begins the motion sickness process and its accompanying symptoms

    There are numerous preparations available over the counter for the treatment of nausea and vomiting.

    For the treatment or prevention of travel or motion sickness, try the following:

    Promethazine: Brunazine, Daralix

    A mixture of sugar and phosphoric acid: Emetrol, Emex

    Cyclizine: Ryccard, Valoid

    Cinnarizine: Stugeron

    For rehydration, try one of these solutions:




    Hydrol powder



    Hope it help

  4. i'm confused!

  5. First of all, tell the air hostesses, so that they can provide you with the necessary help. I could try to get a sit with plenty of room (aisle, emergency exit, front row) so that you feel more comfortable. In term of the food, you could try to get energy bars and juice. But you are saying it's a long flight... go for things that are soothing for your stomach, such as rice, cooked ham, apples... you may have to call the airline in advance for a special menu!

    Last but not least, try some medication that may help you not to get air sick!


  6. try taking some deep slow breaths

    eat some dry toast

    ginger biscuits

    ask for a seat swap

    explain your dilema to the steward/stewardess

    whilst on the plane eat small snacks and often and drink plenty of water

  7. Get a seat close to the bathroom.  (If you're far away, tell the flight attendant your problem, and maybe s/he could make arrangements for a seat swap.)

    Take out the barf bag from the seat back as soon as you board.  

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