
Air bags did not deploy?

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I was just in a wreck last night. I was going about 20-25 mph on the freeway and hit a patch of ice which made me slide into a cement barrier without slowing down at all, hitting my right front bumper/light. We just purchased a 1997 4 runner and the air bags did not deploy. I understand that it is an older car and all but we paid a good amount for it. Isn't it a little ridiculous that they never deployed or is that to be expected with an older car? I'm just frustrated because the safety was the main reason why we purchased this vehicle.




  1. depends on the impact speed and direction.  the sensors and set-up is such that not ll accidents or collisions result in airbag deployment.

    if they deployed all the time, injury may incur.  

    age has nothing to do with whether they deploy or not.  newer cars have more sophisticated systems.

    i don't believe the 4runner is that highly rated for safety,  you could make a better choice

  2. In older cars that only have front airbags, the bags don't go off except in a straight frontal impact -- no side impacts or angled impacts. In newer cars with side and curtain airbags, there are more situations in which airbags will deploy.

  3. Engineers have a hard time programming these systems' sensors so they ALWAYS deploy at exactly the correct time and under the right circumstances. Obviously, they don't want deployment every time somebody drops their bicycle on your car or when you tap the car in front while parking, but it seems like in your case it should have deployed. Maybe it was because the brakes weren't being used, which fooled the system.

  4. In your case it depends on the angle of impact. A front airbag will not do you any good in a side impact. Sounds like You were angled enough not to set off the bags. If they had gone off you would now need to replace the entire airbag system. That would run into the thousands. Airbag deployment parameters are a complicated thing. Be thankful you are OK enough to post this question.

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