
Air conditioning unit. leaking or something?

by Guest64141  |  earlier

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okay so i bought my air conditioner brand new this year from target i believe...and i havent really had any problems with it until today. i was laying down and i hear it like, spit out water really loud. so i got up and turned it off right away..and for some reason, i decided to tilt it forward (i know stupid) and all this water came pouring out the top..i took the front part off of it, and removed the plastic filter thing, removed all the dust on it, then checked the thing behind the filter thing..and it was covered in i turned off the air, and i turned the fan on (on the a/c unit) and it defrosted all the ice. i have the fan on still, and i can hear like..garguling noses inside the air..its not spitting out water though. is this normal..?!?! oh by the way, i usually have the air on practically all day, everday..thats probably why it frosted too huh?




  1. Freezing is usually an indication that the freon level is low. As for the condensation, all ac units produce it and it should drain on it's own. If it's not, the drain line is plugged and needs to be cleared.

  2. The drity filter and running 24/7 could cause the ice, as for the water, most all window a/c's now hold the water and sling it on the condensor to cool it, the condensor fan grabs the water and throws it on the condensor,  make the unit more efficient.  The noise could be the fan blade hiting the water.

  3. Make sure the pitch is correct to facilitate drainage and the tiny drain o*****e is not restricted.They almost never freeze if the airflow is o.k.(filter,coil,etc.)You did right by running the fan only to melt the ice.Smart idea.Keep an eye on it and check the pitch.Good luck.

  4. Your A/C should lean back just a little....that is so the condensation will drain off outside your house. If the humidity is high in your area it will pull more moisture out of the air and you'll have more water than other days. Always make sure your filter is clean....dirty filter slow the air flow and with less air going through the cooling coils...they will freeze up.

    Lean it back just enough so any water your pour on the top of the unit will slowly run off the back and onto the ground.

  5. make sure the filter is clean! it won't run right with a dirty filter

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