
Air filter/carb question for dirt bike.?

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it's a 200cc chinese bike... anyways it came with an airbox and filter, is it possible to remove that and clamp one of these on instead?{A0793EF2-A835-4DFE-8859-0AE508C7E36B}

or would that somehow damage my engine? i know that's what these are deisgned to do, but are they designed even for bikes that started with airboxes?

and yes i'm aware if i do this i might have some adjustments to make, and i'm capable of making them.




  1. Not if youre going to be riding in the mud or dirt. Those style of filters are made for street bikes, not dirt bikes. The air box is on your dirt bike because it keeps ALL dirt and foreign particles out of your carbs and out of your engine. Your best bet is to leave it alone, if youre looking for more power with little modifications, try a different ignition system, split fire spark plugs, take off the heads and bore out the exhaust ports a little, not the intake, but the exhaust only. Dont mess with the intake port(s), you'll mess your bike up all to h**l with the way that it works.

    You can also bore out the cylinder wall, but then youd have to replace the pistons, rings, gaskets, etc. Your best bet for a quick boost of performance (if thats what youre looking for) is the ignition system and the exhaust system. I wouldnt mess with the carbs or the engine unless you know for d**n sure about what youre doing, two stroke engines can be difficult to work on due to the extreme simple nature of them.

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