
Air or Water Indoor Rower?

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Which is a better piece of equipment?

I am finally ready to workout again after having my daughter, and I'm seriously looking to buy a rower. The thing is, I'm convinced by both of the sales people. Are they comparable, or is the water rower really THAT much better??




  1. :| What do you mean by "water" indoor rower? Do you mean the type that simulates rowing on the water by moving the seat and foot stops? Or do you mean a rowing tank? Sorry... I've never heard of a hydraulic rowing machine. Unless you mean a boat... but that would be an "outdoor" rower. lol Anyway, I think by "air" indoor rower you mean an ergometer? Like a the standard type which are used at competitions and normally at your local gym.  The best brand is by far Concept 2. No comparison. They are a little pricey, but they are fantastic quality. They last forever.  Their newest rowing machine is "Model E", but since you are only looking to buy one for fitness purposes, you'd be better off with a "Model D." It's a little cheaper as well.  Here is their website:

    If you could elaborate on what you mean by "water" and "air" I could probably help you out a little more. :)


    Ok. Honestly, if I were you I would not buy that. Firstly, they are overcharging you and they're not a well-known, trusted brand name. Secondly, notice how the description mainly focuses on the aesthetics and not so much the quality? The only benefit I can see is that it's "quiet." Regular ergs are definitely loud. But you should buy whatever you'd like. Just be aware that you are making a sizeable investment in some exercise equipment, so make sure you purchase the best quality out there. :)

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