
Airfare for my daughter?

by  |  earlier

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I have a daughter that is 11 years old and she just moved in with her father. This is not necessarily something that I wanted but something that she has begged me to let her do for a while now. I was and am a single mother. I still have a 5 year old daughter that lives with me. I have the right to have my 11 daughter one weekend a month and every spring break. I also get her for holiday's. I live in Texas and my daughter now lives in California. I miss her sooooo much already and it has only been 2 weeks. I am responsible for her travel expenses and not sure how I am going to pull this one off. I would like to see her every chance possible, but I have no idea how to make it happen. So my question is: Does anyone know of an airline or website to purchase very cheap tickets for travel? I would really appreciate any suggestions. Thank you in advance.




  1. 1- a los 11 no deberia tener la "opcion" de elegir (Pero no conozco la situacion!)

    2- la decision ya se tomo, y tu hija debe saber la diferencia en su "eleccion"

    3- si la extrañas, por ahora te aguantas (y esperas pacientemente para cuando vuelva) Los hijos y las hijas sobre-todo deben estar con su madre (y soy padre)

    4- si comienzas con pagar los viajes, lo tomara como una opcion mas y asi seguira para adelante

    5- es verdad el tema de los UM (un-acompanied minors)

    6- >Paciencia, que cada vez que llovio paro!

    7- Y recorda que lo mejor esta mas adelante!

    8- Dedicate a la niña de 5 que te precisa mas que nunca, sin padre, ni hermana!

    DIOS te Bendice!

  2. I just sent my daughter (also 11) on a trip hopping all over and I wish I could tell you it is cheap and easy to get tickets, but I can't. :-(

    We live in Hawaii, she was sent to California for 2 weeks, Washington D.C. for a week, the New Mexico for 2 weeks before heading home next week. In order to make arrangements you have to call the airlines directly, or go through a travel agent. What annoys me is that a lot of airlines charge you a higher rate (for not booking online) of about $30 right off the bat. You also don't get access to the "specials" you can often see online.

    Don't waste your time trying to book through Orbitz, Priceline, Travelocity or the like.  They will not handle unaccompanied minors and it will just make you ill to see how much cheaper it would be if she were old enough to fly alone.

    Then there is the unaccompanied minor fee (usually runs about $100/airline/way) and they don't allow connections with other airlines so you are kind of limited as to your carrier choices. So, if possible, look for non-stop flights. Also, unless you want to pay at the airport, pay the minor fee when making the reservation.  They didn't tell me this and once it was locked in that was it. I had to put money in my daughter's bank so she could pay it herself - what a pain! There is also paperwork that needs to be done. If there is a website for the carrier, check to see if they have a downloadable version you can fill out before you go to the airport.  It will save you time.

    One option (that I didn't have) is since you are flying her within the continental U.S. there may be some local smaller air carriers that are less expensive and have a lower minor fee, or she may be able to fly alone at a younger age without being called an unaccompanied minor.

    I wish you luck my dear. I feel your pain of missing her. My daughter has never been this long or far from me and I miss her more than air.

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