Greetings, I have a quick question regarding time spent away from your home base in the airline industry. I have long dreamt of becoming an airline pilot, I have worked for SkyWest on the ground before and just love the industry in general. With the latest turmoil that every airline seems to be messed up in, I have chosen another career path for the past few years (hopefully temporary). My current job I make at least 38k a year so of course I am not eager to take the jump to an airline unless I feel confident that someday that leap will pay off. I know the first few years will be rough and I can accept that. My questions that would help clear my decision are, say I do get on with a regional (I do prefer SkyWest as I have had previous expierence working for them), if I were to live wherever I am based could I realisticly be home more, or would I still enjoy the fully hotel pillows a lot? I do realize that some stays away from home are part of the job.