
Airline transport professionals atp flight school question?

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ok so i was thinking about go to ATP Flight School but i am kinda curious about what will happen if you flunk a test more than 1 time will they not let you receive you ratings? and will they let you try again? can you keep tryin over and over? are will they kick me out what will happen?




  1. sure you can keep trying as much as you want just as long as you keep the money coming

  2. If you are in the 90 day fast track program and you fail a checkride, they will let you continue but come the 90th day, if you aren't within a day or two of being done you will be discontinued. I don't know if they keep your money or refund your pro-rated portion though.

    Do some searching on ATP, there have been a few recent questions on this site (search my answered questions). There is lots of info out there on this school. If you decide it is for you (its not for most people) then you should really look at doing the 6 month program, or whatever they're calling it now. Its the same curriculum as the 90 day program, but without the requirement to be done in 90 days. You can still push through it as fast as you can, but if it takes you 102 days, you'll be allowed to take the extra 12 days.

  3. it seems you have flunked a couple of check rides before. :-)

    "failure is not an option"

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