
Airline upgrade - how??

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My two friends are quite often offered an upgrade from economy on long haul flights, and they have even been upgraded to first class a couple of times. They say they don't know why they are chosen and why they have been so lucky. I am travelling on my own to the US next February - on Economy. Does anyone have any tips on the best way to "sway" the airline to upgrade me? Should I just ask, or is that being too pushy? Please help!!




  1. Airlines use upgrades primarily for their best, most profitable customers - usually high mileage frequent fliers, VIPs from major corporate accounts, and people who pay full, non-discounted fares. The airlines want these travelers' loyalty because that's where they make money.

    Upgrades are valuable, so they don't just give them away for no reason to people who fly once a year on a nonrefundable ticket. They're losing money on these passengers anyway.

    If you're a high mileage frequent flier, or you're flying on an expensive ticket, check the airline's website to see if they confirm upgrades in advance. Also, ask at the check-in counter or gate. If you rarely fly and you're on a nonrefundable ticket, then don't waste your time.

  2. Hi there I work for BA in check in the best way is don't ask, you have to imagine our job on a day to day basis and generally its the first thing that comes out of peoples mouths before they even acknowledge you existence on a desk, also the amount of times a day we get asked. I could retire a rich person if i charged for every time I get asked the question. However if the airline needs to do upgrades to fill the aircraft we generally look at our most valued customers and top frequent flyer's. then if the check in agent thinks you are a perfect candidate then you may be lucky in getting one. Whatever you do don't be pushy and keep on at the agent, don't use the i suffer from any illnesses, bad backs bad legs I'm pregnant we have heard all the usual excuses and stories we know all the text book ones. Just be yourself be well dressed, you don't have to be suited and booted just smart enough to be recognised that you may be a perfect candidate for upgrade and you never know it could be you sitting in the nice seat.

    Best of luck and hope you get it

  3. I did that on a flight to Michigan from Florida, and the Flight Attendant laughed at me. Your friends are probably Elite frequent fliers members, and they get upgraded whether they like it or not.  

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