
Airliner safety question...?

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If there were such a feature on any plane, could a high-speed airplane prevent an explosion (and increase passenger survival rate) if it deploys/drops ALL of its jet fuel just before it crashes into something?




  1. Only the larger jets can dump fuel. They dump if they have time. If you check, you have very little chance of dying in a plane crash in the 1st world countries.

  2. The only reason a plane dumps fuel is to lessen the weight of the airplane before landing...Actually, an empty or low fuel tank is more dangerous than with fuel on board since fuel vapors are more explosive and combustible than the liquid and it limits the pilot's options about diverting to another airport...As long as there is hydraulic power to run the hydraulic controls and lower the landing gear, a commercial airliner can just about be put down on any runway long enough to accommodate it.

  3. They already have these on all planes, if it is going to crash or have a hard landing the plane can and will start to dump its fuel.............

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