
Airlines are charging for soft drinks and coffee.?

by  |  earlier

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Today US Airways announced they are going to charge for all drinks, including soda and coffee. That really ticks me off. As a result, I am not going to fly USAir, if possible, out of protest. Even if they are the cheaper fare, and the ticket difference between the ticket price is greater than what I could possibly consume in beverages... I don't care. If enough of travelers avoid USAir, it might make the other carriers think twice before doing the same thing.

Does paying $2 for a can of soda or a little cup of coffee on a flight tick you off too? Grrr.....




  1. Well, I fly Delta most of the time and American the next most and so far both still serve free soda, juice, and coffee.  AND, Delta still brings the snack basket and you get your choice of Biscoff cookies, peanuts, granola bar, or cheese/crackers.  

    Delta used to also have the Sun Chips but no longer do.  :-(

  2. Aside from cruise ships, which are less a method of travel and more an all-inclusive vacation, what other means of travel gives you free food and free drinks?  Amtrak? Greyhound?  Why do you expect airlines to continue to provide you with the same?

  3. hummm  well lets see a 747 Aircraft has a fuel capacity of about 50,000 gallons.......1 barrel of oil=42 gallons, out of that 1 barrel you get about 19.5 gallons of gas.  how much do you think it cost to fill just one of those planes. Its not cheap to get one of those birds up in the sky...then you have maintenance....employee salaries and much much more.

    Although most of the airline employees and have taken so many cuts in pay and benefits it's still not cheap to run this kind of business.   Do the math on how much time, gas, food, hotels and all of that would cost to drive from coast to coast.  It's about 2,779 miles from NY to CA over 42 hr drive. If you figure if you have a 15 gallon tank in your cost about $60 to fill (at least) you would probably have to fill up around 6 times so you are looking at about 360.00 one way  720.00 round trip if you are lucky, so at least $720 just for gas...that's not counting the wear and tear on your car, stopping to eat, hotels if you don't want to drive 42 hrs straight and other 42 hrs back.

    I agree the airlines need to stop nickel and diming everyone and just raise the prices of the tickets.

  4. no just USAir,but Spirit air   charge $3.00 soda can and 2 for water bottle

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