
Airplane Fear...?

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Well I am veryy scared to ride in an airplane. The last time I did i was in 1st grade and now im going to 9th grade. My family and I are going on vacation this summer to Florida and I really cant wait to go, but Im scared to go flying. Can you help me get rid of my fear?




  1. hello aychee,ill never forget my first fight,i had to be pushed onto the  plane! really aychee,theres nothing to be afraid of,it feels like your sitting in your living room.its great! all it took was the first fight then youll be hooked.a lot of planes have tvs on them,you can watch movies and theyve even got video games.if you get airsick take a dramemine pill before you get on the plane.i just got back from florida,the weather there was nice and warm,relax and enjoy yourself! ill miss you.

  2. Look, U survived in 1st grade, there's no reason that u shouldn't survive now! The chances of somthing happening is so small!

  3. There's really nothing to be frightened of. Take some reading material or puzzle books to keep you busy.
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