
Airplane Hair! Help!?

by  |  earlier

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I have a long-haul flight to make soon (Asia-America) and I have no idea what to do with my hair! My hair is medium length and wavy/curly, but as the air in the plane is so dry that it goes limp when I try to curl it. Not to mention that I won't have had a shower in 24 hours by the time the flight is over with! Any suggestions?




  1. oh gosh, well try just putting it up in a bun or a pony tail!!

    You dont want a hairdo that will be uncomfortable because you are going to want to sleep im sure!

    Good luck!! and bring lots of stuff to do!! lol

  2. stop worrying ... everyone else looks more than a bit travel-weary when they get off a long haul flight like that ... or is it that you've got someone special meeting you at the other end that you want to look your best for? ... if that's the case then consider what you could wear either on top of your hair (a scarf or a hat maybe) or how you could tie your hair up so that it doesn't look so limp ... but again I wouldn't worry too much as if it's a special person meeting you they will probably be only too glad to see you and won't be examining your hair
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