
Airplane flight maps?

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I have been addicted to flight simulator recently, does anyone know where i can get flight maps of the exact route that they take?

I have fs2004, and maybe this is a built in feature, if so could you tell me exactly how to use it.

I have tried flight planner but i just get a straight path not the actual route.





  1. Try these sites.............

  2. There are no charts that contain routing.

    Your best bet is to listen to Clearance Delivery at your favorite airport to try to get some useful routes. If you don't have a scanner, try

    Also, check out to hear an ARTCC work with aircraft.

    FS will "build" you a routing but it only uses available Victor, Jet airways and VOR-VOR - there's no basis in 'real-life' routing.

    There are also "preferred routings" that you can find in the FAA Airport/Facilities Directory and some Jeppesen publications. Try those too.

    All applies to IFR in the US

  3. Using the flight planner you need to select an IFR flight plan and I'm assuming you are flying airliners. If so they would take the high altitude VOR to VOR routes. When you select this and save the flight plan it will be loaded into your GPS. You can fly off that if you like but they would actually navigate using the VOR radio's themselves. Much more realistic, takes some getting used to at first but just take a flying lesson on VOR's in flight simulator.

    If you google Vatsim and then the name of the aiport for which you want a chart they usually have it. I have used charts for Australian airports from there. Best if you know the airport ICAO code. Such as "NZCH" Newzealand Christchurch so you would google "Vatsim NZCH"

    And yes I do know that Newzealand isn't in Australia if you were going to ask. Just an example.

  4. In FS2004, you have the option in the flight planner of VFR or IFR routing and whether you want a direct route or using VOR navigation.  VOR to VOR or Airway routing is what you want.

    Look on Ebay or, if you live close to an small airport, ask the local flight school, flying club or pilot shop if they have any expired charts. Or you can buy new charts and just hold on to them.  Not sure how it works in Australia, but in the US, most charts are only good for 56 days.  

    But FS2004 doesn't know that, so you could buy charts and use them forever.  Charts here in the US are between $5 and $10 for government issue, much more for Jeppesen charts.

    Good luck

  5. Find a pilot with Jepps. He's constantly updating and throwing away outdated charts. He'll give them to you. h**l if you were here I'd have paid you to update mine then you'd have old charts and some cash.
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