
Airplane laptop?

by  |  earlier

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can you use a laptop on a plane(im not using the internet), just for like word processer and playing dvds?




  1. You are allowed to bring your laptop on the flight.  You will only be allowed to use it during, times that the pilot/flight crew say it is ok to use.

  2. Okay my 0.02; You are, as said, allowed to use it. If you're travelling coach you mostly don't have a socket to charge your laptop though. When checking in your luggage, ask if there are seats with sockets to plug your laptop, some planes have some of those seats, which will allow you to use your laptop as much as you want.

    You can of course also take a second battery if you have one, or you can consider buying one. Using your laptop during takeoff and landing is indeed not allowed, and I would advice you to put away your laptop during turbulence. You will most probably have to show your laptop to customs officials, make sure that it's charged or it might be confiscated.

    Have a nice flight :)

  3. Yeah, that is allowed. Just not during takeoff and landing. Otherwise no problem!
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