
Airplane polluters?

by Guest61542  |  earlier

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Lots of discussions about automobiles, boats, trucks etc. etc. I have read absolutely nothing about the aviation industry doing something to curtail the ommission from their jet engines. they burn thousands of jet fuel at thousands of feet and by the time it comes down to earth it has spread over large areas.

Does someone have an answer. Or are we dealing with a sacred cow that no one wants to touch.




  1. Aviation industry is taking necessary steps to reduce pollution and global warming like:

    1. Reduction of weight of planes with cargo (by higher fuel efficiency)

    2. Research is continuously going on for environment friendly flights.

    3. Use of non-plastic bags in cargo, luggage, etc are being slowly but steadily implemented.

    They are doing it, but it is maturing gradually. Afterall every research will take its time to show results. Please do read aviation journals and articles to get an insight of how airliners are also corporate social responsible people.

  2. That is a great question.  I think planes are supposed to be the worst polluters because they release emissions right into the atmosphere.  I have not heard anything about the aviation industry trying to reduce their impact.  I guess they do not consider it a priority.
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