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I had a good place in Airplane but next to a man who snored terribly ...????? What should i do ?




  1. Headphones!

  2. OMG Marjorie.....the same thing happened to me too last year!  It was HORRIBLE!!!  I used this as a learning experience.  So always now I bring ear plugs JUST IN CASE.  Not only that, but I think looking back I should've explained the situation to the air hostess and maybe if there were any empty seats, switched them if possible.  I think if worse comes to worse, you can always kinda tap the guy next to you..sometimes if you kinda nudge, the guy doesn't wake up, but will readjust himself while sleeping, clear his throat, and SOMETIMES he won't snore anymore.

  3. Next time, you could ask your flight attendant if there was a possiblility for you to move to another seat. They will usually move you, unless the plane is full.

  4. you should buy your private jet,i m sure you will give me ride to india.i,ll not snored.

  5. Contact the airline's customer service department and figure out the man's name. Get his full name, phone number, address, etc.

    Then call your lawyer and sue the man for disturbing the peace.

    You can then also file a civil lawsuit against the airline for giving men a place to sleep. Ask for millions, because you won't get a penny.

  6. Marjorie, Thanks for the new contact, as for your snoring friend just politely ask him to step out of the plane. ha ha

  7. 1.change seats if possible.2.bear the noise.3.try disturbing him every few minutes like shaing or touching him .3# is the best option.

  8. you too can snore.

    you can request him to give you way for going restroom.

    youcan go to other seat if it is.

    move in your seat in such a way that he get'up.

  9. You could have asked the air hostesse to either wake the person, or if possible to exchange seats in someother part of the plane.

    Or else, you could have asked for a noise cancelling headphone and watch a movie with full sound.

    Other than that prayer might help too.

  10. You should not have posted this question.

    You cant do anything. so he snored. big freakin deal. if it bothered you WHILE YOU WERE ON THE PLANE you should have woke him up.

  11. Accidently do something to wake him up like maybe elbow him or just wake him up.. its not like he knows you(correct me if I'm wrong)
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