
Airplane question..?

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im going on a trip half way around the world on saturday and its gonna be the first time i ever ride a plane...i want to know what to do with my carry on bag...where do i put it...where do they check it...u can add anything else you wanna add to your answer...the one with the most info gets the 10 points...




  1. if your carry on bag is small then it can fit right under your seat. If not, then stick it above you or put a red tag on it before you board the plane and the flight attendent will place it with all the other luggage.

    Make sure you wear comfortable clothing because traveling with clothes that are too tight make it h**l.

    Have fun on your trip!

  2. Don't take rolls of coins for public transportation at your destination.  You will be delayed at security.

  3. make sure you put you hand luggage in a backpack so it's easier to carry around the airport you will see a cheack in dest in the airport and you need to give your baggage to them and they load it onto the plane for you once you have checked in go through security you can then go around the airport but dont leave your backpack unnatended on your ticket there should be a departure lounge number e.g. b6 there will be screens telling you when to go to the lounge and also annoucements too once you are in the lounge a official will tell you to board they then check your passports an lead you toa bus or you walk to the plane you then go up the steps and up there there will be a official and you need to show them your boarding pass you then find your seat and above that there will be a overhead locker which you put your hand luggage in then you will be shown saftey procedures once the plane is ready the seatbelt sign will light up (when lit you need your seatbet on and cant get up to go to the toilet or get your hand luggage ect.)the plane will move slowly and when it is lined up with the runway it goes really fast (don't be scared its fun) then before you know it you in the sky. the air hosts and hostesses will bring you meals through out the trip and if you are in first class the food is much better. once you land and you are off the plane and in the airport go to your flight's conveyer belt and collect you baggage then you can leave the airport!

    enjoy your stay!

  4. um...since its your might get a lil sick on take off....and on landing... but your ears will be really plugged try chewing gum, swallowing hard, or my way of doing it. pinching your nose, hold your breath and try to blow out..  

    But with your carry on...they will scan it....along with you... you have to take off your belt, shoes, gum wrappers, change, cellphone. (anything that has metal)  And you put it in a box and they scan all that too. along with your bag.

    They will also make you get rid of your water its best to not bring any type of can get it on plane instead.

    This is all done when you show your passport, tickets. etc. then you go through the security and thats where they check you....then you can go to gate where your plane is at. They'll call you up by like for example... they announce 'may people with the seats 1a through 15b come check in..blah blah blah.'

    Most likely it will be cold on wear jeans..

    sleeping is hard...they give you blanket and pillow..but its hard to sleep while sitting upright....but they do have a recliner.

    Make sure your carry on is not a huge suitcase! it has to be like a gym bag..or a mini suitcase. you will most likely have it on top cargo (above your seat)  if its difficult to get in there... then just ask one of the employees.. they could help..

    they should have a tv on your plane....and some of the food is pretty good...bring a book if you want...and it will be hard to adjust to the timezone...

    When you reach your destination...go straight to the luggage belt! It will be crowded and hard to get around and find your luggage... ALSO TIE A BRIGHT COLOR BOW OR STRING ON YOUR LUGGAGE! SO IT WILL BE EASIER TO FIND!

    Oh yea! make sure you talk to people...They can help you out.....and besides its actually pretty cool to meet new people at airports....

    goodluck on your trip and be safe.

  5. you do not say what airline you are traveling, but the general rule is that you are allowed a carry on suitcase of aprox 5 KG which goes in the locker over your head onboard the aircraft.  Any liquids (ie toothpaste deoderant etc) that you have has to be less than 100ml and put in a clear plastic bag which you show on clearing security.  You usually take a book, maybe a blow up pillow for you neck if you are on a long flight it is in your interest to get as much sleep as possible so that you do not have jet lag when you arrive and can hit the road.

  6. Your luggage gets checked at the ticket and luggage lines. Your carry on is just that, you carry it with you on the plane, and put it on shelf above your seat. Happy and Safe flight!

  7. ok..... the caryy on you need to have it with you at all times, you'll have to pass the security line, just put your carry on there (on the table/belt) they'll screen it (do not take any harmful items ie: siscors, twizers, or anything that contains big amount of  alcohol, ie: spray, cologne or they'll take it away from you, anyways you'll see signs before you go make the security line of all the things you cannot take on the plane) after you pass the security line, and you go aboard you put your carry on on top of you (there are compartments) if is not too big you can put it under your seat.  Have a safe trip and have lots of fun!!!! =)

    PS: don't forget your carry on when you land!!

  8. make sure you bring a knife with you to fight terrorists. keep it in your carry on bag and store it under your seat


    Planning can facilitate a smoother trip whether you are travelling on vacation or business.

    This note provides useful information and tips about airport security, how to help avoid unnecessary delays and how you can make a contribution to a safer flight.

    Packing your bags

    Ensure that…

    • you pack your own bags; never let someone else do it. Pack lightly and travel with as little luggage as possible.

    • there are no sharp objects like scissors, knives, etc in your carry-on baggage. Put these items into your checked-in baggage.

    • there are no liquids and gels packed in your carry on baggage. Items such as shampoo, conditioner, liquid foundation, perfume, aftershave, contact lens solution should be packed in transparent re-sealable one litre plastic bag (20cm x 20cm). Only 1 plastic bag is permitted per passenger.

    • containers are no more than 100 millilitres capacity.

    • the plastic bag is sealed (for example zip-lock). Suitable bags are available from most local supermarkets.

    • medicines, special diet products, baby foods – larger quantities allowed if essential for use during the trip. Passengers may be asked to prove that these products are genuine.

    • prescription medication is packed in its original labelled container. Medical equipment, syringes, hypodermic needles required for personal use must be packed in the original

    labelled container and be accompanied by medical certificates from a general practitioner concerning proof of need. Hypodermic needles must have a needle guard.

    • airline check-in agents are made aware that you are carrying medical equipment.

    • portable electronic equipment and other large electrical items are removed from carry on baggage at screening points in the airport for screening separately.

    • gifts are not wrapped or packaged. Airport security staff may need to inspect them.

    • your bags are carefully packed and labelled. Do not place your home address or business title on labels. Baggage tags with flaps that hide your name and address are recommended.

    Goods Bought After Screening

    𐂾 Liquids and gels in normal sizes may be bought after the

    screening point and on board aircraft

    𐂾 They must be in unopened tamper-evident bags with proof of purchase if they

    are taken through screening at another EU airport on the same day

    Commonly Prohibited Articles

    • Articles or substances which pose a risk to health, to passengers, crew, or the safety and security of aircraft or property are not permitted to be carried into an airport or on board an aircraft.

    • A more extensive list of prohibited articles can be found on pages at here

    • The airport operator or your airline will provide additional information on whether particular articles are permitted.

    • Knives and knife-like objects such as letter openers, scissors, swords, ceremonial or religious knives and straight razors are not permitted in carry-on baggage.

    • Contact your airline operator about the carriage of licensed firearms.

    • Sporting equipment such as golf clubs, cricket bats, hockey and hurling sticks, kayak or canoe paddles etc are not permitted in carry-on baggage

    • Martial arts, self defence items, toy or replica guns/weapons are not permitted

    Common articles that may be permitted

    Some items may be permitted in your carry-on baggage, subject to inspection. These include:

    • Umbrellas and walking canes

    • Non-metal nail files,

    • Disposable razors

    • Tweezers


    Your airline may have further restrictions applying. Contact them for more information.

    Identification requirements

    • Carry an appropriate piece of government-issued photo ID such as a driver’s licence for domestic travel or a passport for international travel.

    • Keep your ID handy and accessible. You may be required to show it at the check-in counter and before boarding your flight. Contact your travel agent or airline for more information. Check your airline’s website.

    • Have all your documentation ready well in advance of the planned trip. Make sure that your passport is valid. Some countries now insist that your passport be valid for at least six months after the start of your visit. Check the expiry date carefully.

    • Ensure you are in possession of a valid visa, where necessary. Contact the relevant Embassy with regard to visa requirements

    • If you are travelling with children, contact the embassy or consulate of all countries you will be visiting about entry requirements. Immigration Authorities in most countries are becoming increasingly vigilant when children are crossing international borders.

    • Please note that from as of 1 October 2004, children may no longer be included on a parent’s passport issued after that date. Therefore, for travel purposes, a child must have a personal passport issued in its name. The Passport Office recommends that parents obtain personal passports for children.

    Airport Requirements

    • Arrive at the airport in good time for the flight. For international travel and particularly travel to the United States, make sure to arrive at least two or three hours before your scheduled departure time. Check with your airline to confirm check-in time requirements.

    • Never leave your bags unattended. Take care of your baggage at all times.

    • Never accept parcels or letters from strangers for delivery to persons at your point of destination.

    • Never carry anything onto a plane for anyone else.

    • Limit your carry-on baggage. If you don’t think you are going to need it on the flight, pack it in your checked-in baggage.

    • Be aware of airport security procedures. Call or check the website of the airports you are travelling to and from or speak to your airline


    • Do not joke about hijackings or bombings. It is against the law and you may be


    • Report unattended baggage or any suspicious behaviour to Airport Security or your airline.

    At the airport

    • Have your travel documentation ready for presentation to the check-in agent

    • Assist the check-in agent to process your travel documentation quickly and

    be courteous.

    • Avoid excessive alcohol consumption; you may not be allowed board a flight if

    you are showing signs of excessive alcohol consumption.

    • Remove all metal from your pockets and person before entering the security screening


    • Remove your outer coat and place it on the tray provided at the security screening point.

    You may be asked to remove your shoes and place them in a tray to be x-ray screened.

    • Obey the instructions of screening staff. You will not be allowed through security

    screening until all security issues relating to you and your baggage have been resolved.

    • Manual searches/’pat down’ searches may be undertaken even when the x-ray alarms are

    not activated. Do not distract screening staff.

    • Remember security screening is undertaken for your security and safety

    In-flight and on arrival

    • Pay close attention to the safety briefings at the beginning of the flight

    and know the location of aircraft emergency exits

    • Do not joke about hijackings or bombings. It is against the law.

    • Inform the crew of unruly behaviour. This type of behaviour

    includes verbal abuse, intimidating behaviour, disregard of smoking regulations,

    and intoxicated or disorderly conduct.

    • Follow the instructions of crew at all times, and be patient and courteous.

    • Collect your baggage promptly.


    • Be courteous and helpful to other passengers – particularly elderly persons, mobility impaired persons or families with children. 5

  10. You can have a 12x12 bag and either store in under you seat or in the overhead compartment. I would check with the airlines on what is allowed to be taken with you. You are only allowed clear shampoo bottles, the little ones. I recently flew and didn't want to be bothered with the shampoo stuff, so I checked mine in. You can have anything then.

  11. Lucki, your baggage allowance depends on if you are flying in/out or through USA or Canada. If you are, then 2 bags at 50 lbs and no more than 62 total linear inches (length x width x height) are allowed for check in. Remember if you are checking luggage, check with your Airline to see if they have the $15 first bag and $25 second bag fee. Your usually allowed one Carry on 9x14x22 45 linear inches/or 112 cm and 1 personal item  purse/laptop/briefcase etc. You have a few options when checking can check your luggage with a skycap $2 each bag.....or you can go to an easy check in unit if you have an electronic ticket (someone will be there to check your bags, or you can go to the ticket counter and they will check your bags. Your carry on bag should be able to fit under your seat or in an overhead bin.  As far as the TSA allowance for Carry on items,  all liquid/gels and aerosol must but be in 3 ounce containers and all must fit in 1 clear quart size zip lock bag....anything over will be thrown out.

    Without knowing what Airline you are going on and to where you are departing and fly to it's really hard to be exact, some airlines do differ a little on baggage.

    If you are not flying in/out/through the US or Canada your luggage will be on the weight system which means you can have as many checked baggage as you want and 1 carry on....but the total weight can be no more that 44 lbs/20kg for coach seats, 66 lb/30kg for business seats and 88 lb/88kg for first class seats. This is the usual rule, but again some Airlines do vary so check your Airline websit to be sure so you don't have any surprises when you go to check your luggage.


    Besure you have a valid passport if needed, some countries require your passport to have a validity date up to 6 months past your travel day. Also you need a visa/trasit visa to enter some countries....along with your passport/visa you need to have your Airline ticket/reciept and sometimes they will ask for proof of sufficient funds to visit their country (a credit card will do).

    Usually they won't ask that if you are dressed nice, clean cut. I know this sounds kinda weird, but some countries will possible deny you entry or pull you aside for questioning if you have a "hippy like appearance"  I thought that was weird when I was told that, but unfortunatly its true.

    It sounds like your going to be on a long trip, so don't forget to take something to occupy your time like a good book,

    crossword/puzzle books/dsl etc. I usually pack some of those small snack packs of my favorite snacks...nuts/m&m's cheese and crackers.

    Also check with your Airline to see if the place you are traveling too has any departure taxes or anything, so when you are ready to depart you have enough funds (usually in their local currency)

    If you want to, email me with the Airline you are flying on and what cities you are flying from/through and to and I could give you more accurate information. I leave for work around 2:30pm Central time so if you email me before that I can check the visa and departure tax info for you from work and let you know tonight when I get home.

  12. knife is too obvious....

    get some scissors or some other fancy objects.

  13. Your carry-on bag goes with you and you place it in the overhead compartment above your seat. Just make sure it doesn't contain any gels/liquids that are over the TSA approved limit of 3.4 oz. Also, FAA requires that all carry-on items must fit securely in the overhead compartment, or underneath the seat in front of you. Most airlines require it to be under 40 lbs as well.

    If you check any other luggage that is not a carry-on, you check the bag either at the ticket counter or with the sky-cap outside.
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