
Airplane questions. How do I get into first class?best answer get s ten points!?

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Okay. well Im goin on vacation in a week and Im flying. My parents were saying that if u dress kinda nice, and there r extra seats in 1st class, they might bump u up! I just need 2 know if I need 2 come at a certain time or anything like that. Help me!




  1. Just buy a ticket you muppet!

  2. To get in first class do the smae thing the person did above me. also if that dosent work just go and sit in the seat. ( act like you own the plane. TOUGH)

  3. Unless you have a full fare ticket (rarely does that work), or are a very high status member with the airline, you're stuck in coach.

  4. Sorry, but I have to disagree with your parents.

    If there are any first class seats available at departure, the airline will give them first to their highest mileage frequent travelers. The odds that they will take care of all of their frequent flyers (there are usually dozens on any given flight) and still have leftover seats are nil. If there are still seats available, they may give them to a passenger who has paid a very high fare. That happened to me once.

    They don't just give the seats to anyone who shows up and asks, especially if they are flying on a discount fare. They take care of their best and most profitable customers first.  If you fly only occasionally and buy discounted fares, then you're not one of those.

    The odds that this will work are about a million to one. Sorry to dash your hopes!

  5. That's not true. You have to pay for it. Sorry.

  6. I have done it! Just ask a flight attendant if there are extra seats in first class! But say it very polite, and i guess it would help if you dressed nice. And hopefully you sit next to a scary, fat, or impolite person because then the flight attendant feels bad for you (they did for me and my mom last time) And one more thing, ask someone who looks like a nice person :]

    PS you don't have to come any earlier because no matter what you have to wait for everyone to board because flight attendants won't know if there are extras seat till everyones there

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