
Airplane ride please help?

by  |  earlier

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i am going on a 17 hour airplane ride and i waz wondering how long can i be knocked out with a average sleep pill?? Also when should i take the sleep pill so i can get the max. number of hours that i am knocked out??




  1. why get knocked out? planes are fun

  2. I do not think you should take a sleep pill but if that is what you want....go right ahead

    You should probably take it on the 8th hour

  3. Lol why would you want to do that? Well if you must then do it, but just remember your flight could arrive earlier than normal and you'd still be sleeping. Plus when you reach your destination you're gonna have the worst jetlag. It's ok to sleep on a flight but not that much. Another plus is that when you're gonna be sleeping you're not going to be eating the food. Which most people just eat because they're bored. You should take a look at this article, it really helps.

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