
Airplane weight restictions? - Toddlers Buggy?

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Anybody know where we stand with our weight restictions on a flight.

We have a limit of 20kg which we have reached in our cases but we have a todlers buggy to take aswell!!!!!!

Anybody know the script with that?




  1. I'm a former Flight Attendant and I now fly a lot with my three children.

    This issue depends on the airline and sometimes the route flown. I worked almost only on larger aircraft flying long-haul international. I never saw a stroller/pushchair refused, nor had any problems with any of my own strollers. Most are tagged at check-in but the passenger keeps them with them until they get to either the gate (or the bottom of the stairway if boarding from outside) where they are left and then returned at the gate on arrival.

    Most "mainstream" airlines don't count car seats and strollers against the passengers' baggage allowance. With charter and low-cost companies, there might be a different story so check it out.

    Usually, if an airline has restrictions, they will post them on their site, since this is unusual. I recommend searching with the name of the airline followed by "children" to get to the right page. If that doesn't do it, try "infant" (even if your child is older). Some airline sites really hide this info!

    I would recommend that you not readily volunteer that fact that this contraption weighs 20 kilos at check-in. Don't lie or hide it. Be honest if asked but...

    Just some tips on the stroller itself;

    -Mark it with your name and address

    -Remove all "extras" (i.e. cup holders, toys and sometimes even the sunshade, depending on the model).  

    -Make sure the tag goes somewhere it wont be squished or hidden when folded.

    -Before handing it over, attach the straps before folding

    -Bring a bungee cord to double secure it before leaving it at the gate. This avoids it popping open en route and getting damaged. Most only have a small latch so make sure it wont come open by accident.

    For more information, about 8 years ago I wrote a totally non-commercial article on the subject of flying with children based on both my practical and professional experience. Many parents around the world have contributed so feel free to visit;

    Good luck!

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