
Airplanes are scary!!!???

by  |  earlier

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I am so scared of flying and I can't stand it. I start breathing really heavy and I start sweating and I feel like my heart is going to pound right through my chest. Any remedies?




  1. Air plane are fun! They remind me of rollercoasters!

    But put your head between your knees or put your head down on the little table in front of you on the chair in front of you. Take a nap. Or, turn your music up, so that you can't hear the air plane taking off. Well, I'm sorry your affraid of them.

  2. if you feel that you are not able to handle it and could possibly have another panic attack, then you can ask your doctor for a few xanax(or another relaxer) to take before you get on the plane. It will help so much!!!

  3. Airplanes are Fun!!!???

    Mello out.  Take a Valium if necessary or a dose of Dramamine (air sickness pills)  both will ease the tension.  but you are ssoooo much safer in a plane than most other places its just foolish to worry about it.  

    Ask the ticketing agent for a Isle seat and get your headphones on immediately.  Play some music that you know that will help you take your mind off your surroundings.  Close your eyes and drift.  With any luck you will sleep the whole way and cure your phobia.

  4. Having encountered my fair share of passengers with seemingly insurmountable fears of flying, as a flight attendant, I can certainly understand your anxieties & desperation to overcome them. To be honest with you, I rarely found that people, who are already so nervous prior to boarding, are even able to relax long enough to don a pair of headphones & start listening to music. Not that you shouldn't try; however, just be aware that you will most likely be asked to turn off your iPod, mp3, or cd player once the boarding door is closed through take-off until the crew permits it. If you need to block out any sounds during that time, you can use noise reduction headphones. Better yet, if you need distraction, don't go it alone, try to engage in conversation with your seat mate(s) -- perhaps something you feel strongly about. Sometimes a topic of conversation that empassions you can overtake your anxieties. Maybe give those you're talking with a heads up & they'll be accommodating. There are plenty of frequent flyers out there who can sympathize with you.

    To be completely honest, the best way to combat your fears is not to try to tune out your environment, but to understand it. I suggest introducing yourself to the flight attendants, let them know where you're seated, & tell them of your anxieties -- you should do this anyway to make them aware that it may even bring on a panic attack that they will ultimately have to help you through. It'll make you feel better knowing they are aware of your fears. Ask if they can check on you when they're able. Don't be afraid to ask them about the sights & sounds of the aircraft. We have several lights, bells, dings, sounds of the engines, slats, & flaps that tell us, as crew, what phases of flight we're in. These could be unnerving if you aren't use to them. It's also part of our job to comfort passengers in your situation. I once spent an entire Austin-Minneapolis flight crouched in the aisle of a DC-9 at the feet of a young mother who worked for Boeing, but was paralyzed from fear of flying so much that she couldn't look after her 3 young children -- her husband took care of them, bless his heart. But, by constantly talking her through what made her so scared & telling her what every sound & movement was, she got through it & felt better prepared for her return.

    You may also want to check out these resources, though I can't speak of their success:

    Above all else, please, I can't stress enough how important it is for everyone to watch & listen to your flight crew's safety presentation, & read the safety instruction card at your seat. Be prepared & be confident that you're much better off than those who don't. I wish you the best of luck!

  5. Good question...but I can't answer it myself because I was wondering that also.  I'm taking my first flight out on Friday.  So good luck to the both of us.  I was told to relax, listen to music or take a nap.

  6. i love airplanes they are so fun.I don't know why but all my family members are so scared of it,they think it's going to crash like seriously everybody has to die once

  7. im extremely terrified too!

    im taking a flight out tomorrow and well the last flight i had wasnt that good at all

    i had huge panic attacks and really felt heavy breathing

    i freaked out about every piece of turbulence while my family siad it was fine

    hey now that i think about it... it was fine you know

    i guess you have to just try to cool down and whatever you dont try not to think of it, i know its hard since i always have troubles trying not to, hope the best for you and your flight

    happy flying

  8. First off, I love your name Boston terrier. Next, get a prescription from the doctor to relax you before your flight. That is a far better option then getting drunk on the plane. If you have a ipod, use that with some relaxing music. Lastly take some deep breaths as the plane starts rolling and close your eyes and concentrate on the music, not on the plane. After a while you will relax and hopefully enjoy the rest of the flight.

  9. Actually, if u look out the window, airplanes are very fun. Take-off is where many people get scared but that's the best part about it.

    Just close ure eyes,breathe softly, & relax.

    Peace for all!

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