

by  |  earlier

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Ok well i have rode on an airplane before and it was fine. But on the way back, while we were slowly landing, I started to get a MASSIVE migrane! Like it felt like right above my eyebrow was ripping from my scull. Yeah it hurt. i chewed like a million packs of gum but that did nothing. i was sick too so could that be the cause? Cuz I really do NOT want that happening again, when we get back from where we are now. Please.......HELP!!!!!LOL.





  1. If your sinuses are clogged you will get a massive headache when descending.  My suggestion is to use the Afrin nasal spray before you fly if you have a hint of congestion.  

  2. Carly H,

    Airplanes are not scary because I fly all the time. They have to slow way down for landing. You are not going to die. Thats what the pilots have to do. Good luck fly back.

    Alex East

  3. yes, that was the cause, when you are sick your signuses are clogged and you will have alot of trouble clearing your ears with pressure and thats why you got the migrane,   i reccommend getting nasal spray and taking some signus/cold medicine the night before you fly

  4. hey listen that happens 2 every1 thats becasue ur body haz to blend with the air the sky iz giving off it's not anythin bad all u have 2 do do iz drink much water and you'll be ok i hope this helped it wuz nothing about ur cold ur cold doesnt attract with the decent air

  5. It was probably a little bit of everything. IF you are FLYING on NWA DELTA OR CONTINENTAL please EMAIL me back i have something to tell you.

  6. Well if you were sick that might'v been the problem, like perhaps u had an ear infection that u didn't know about? That could'v caused the extreme pain in your head. Or maybe, uk how when your sick your head feels all stuffed up? (Or maybe u don't know idk lol) maybe that was the case??

    I'v flown a bunch of times but i'v never had that happen to me before.

    I hope u can make a safe and enjoyable trip to wherever your going :D

  7. it's prob the blood rushing into your brain as the airplane is decending.

    I'm not sure what to do about that. maybe you could put your head down? I'm not sure.

You're reading: Airplanes......scary?

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