
Airport express base station?

by  |  earlier

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So if i buy the airport express base station, do i have to pay for an internet network? would i still be able to get internet connection if i just use that? or do i also have to pay for a network like roadrunner or dsl?




  1. I will answer this the best I can. Think of the Base Station (AP) as a typical wireless router. The only difference between a router and a AP (the base station aka Access Point) is that a wireless router has ports for wired connections and a wireless connection.  An AP is only a wireless connection.  And just like a wireless router, an AP needs an internet connection to enable wireless internet. These AP's are the ones you find in coffee shops, Airports etc.  They are a little more advanced then your typical router with server settings that have customers pay for the connection etc. and has a bit more range on them.

  2. It lets you create a wireless network. It does not offer an internet connection to the network. You need an internet service provider.

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