
Airport security regarding laptops and cameras.

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A friend of mine in Peru said she saw on the news (over there) that laptops and cameras, sometime in the near future, will not be allowed on planes leaving the USA, and may even be confiscated (here in the USA). I asked her if a reason was given and she said that it was a precaution against terrorist threats. This sounds like some crazy BS story made up over there. Anyone heard ANYTHING remotely similar in the news HERE (USA) lately? I just can't see it happening.




  1. Apparently that rumor has been going around. Not true.

  2. i do,nt hear like this but as terrorist use laptop for bomb blasting or other crime it may be possible for security reason

  3. Lap tops and camera's are still OK to take as your carry-on, but sometimes they may look at it. I can't imagine airport security ever saying that you can't take a laptop. Do not listen to such nonsense.

  4. open your eyes its already happening

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