
Airport security? see through scanner?

by  |  earlier

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So i was just goin thru random ?s and saw a few about the new machines at the airports and was wondering if they like have two machines, like one for men and one for women? and who monitors them? i personally would prefer a woman checking me, but i would also feel more comfortable with a woman checking out my girlfriend cuz im the jealous type ;-) lol. I do know that the person that scans the person never sees the image and the person monitoring the image never sees the passenger and the faces are blured, but i guess its the whole priciple of the issue. Another thing that seemed to be a common topic was children being scanned, that just seems like a bad idea, i couldnt imagine what would go through a parents mind. I think that this whole thing is going to cause way too many problems... any thoughts or experiences?




  1. It's men screening men, and women screening women.  I seriously doubt any screener will be surprised by the shapes they see on others of their own gender!  You're more exposed in the locker room of your local fitness center.

  2. You can opt for a pat down instead of the scanner.

  3. Most to all your questions will be answered via

    Just watch the video to the right and it will answer your questions on this Machine. Baltimore was the first airport city to try out this new machine.

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